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The Garbage Pail Kids Movie 1987

Its the movie I have waited a lifetime to see. Sure, its one of the worst movies ever made, but as I'm a sucker for terrible cinema, I was glad I got the opportunity to see it. It's garbage, but I can now tick it off my movie bucket list.

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What a horrifying, inexplicable hot mess. It's just soo bizarre, gross and ridiculous. And the fact this is geared towards kids... boggles my mind. Me growing up with this probably explains a lot.

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Without question the worst movie I've ever seen, and not even in a "so bad it's good" kind of way. It's ninety minutes of sheer torture, starring a hideous cast of makeup nightmares; indisputable evidence of the lengths a commercial property can stretch for the almighty dollar. Like most children of the eighties, I had a healthy collection of GPK stickers in my closet growing up. The gross-out humor and macabre illustrations were a big selling point, but beneath all that was a creative core and a wild amount of versatility. Every card was completely different. The one-note comedy of their film translation, though, is like opening a pack filled with duplicates. I counted six jokes with a visual punchline of "and then he peed his pants." That's not an exaggeration, and it's not the only example of the flick's careless comedic redundancy. Combine that with an appalling song and dance number (seriously), a horribly out-of-place romantic subplot (starring a pre-pubescent boy and a girl well into her twenties, no less) and a gang of foils cut clumsily from recycled cardboard. It's genuinely amazing this ever saw the light of day.

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