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The Goonies 1985


Shout by Jim222001
BlockedParent2019-06-25T13:29:31Z— updated 2022-04-21T21:10:28Z

An 80’s classic that entertains me every time I watch it. It’s a fun and funny adventure with a great cast. It’s one of the best family films of all time despite some PG-13 jokes for a PG movie.

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This movie never gets old. Who didn't wanna be a Goonie when they were a kid!

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I will always cherish and remember this movie! first time i saw this film was when in turned 9 years old in 1996... still one of my favorites to this day! Everyone deserves to see this flick! a Masterpiece

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Even as an adult, this will always be one of my favorite movies ever.

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From Steven Spielberg and Richard Donner comes the classic adventure film The Goonies. Written by Chris Columbus, a group of misfit kids setoff on an adventure to find the fabled treasure of notorious pirate One-Eyed Willy. The cast is just spectacular, and the kids give fun, authentic performances. And the set designs are amazing, with intricate “booty traps” and a breathtaking pirate ship. Additionally, the music of the film is excellent; from the score, which wonderfully captures all of the excitement and adventure, to the sensational Cyndi Lauper hit theme song “The Goonies ‘R’ Good Enough.” A seminal film of the 1980s, The Goonies is full of thrills and still holds up.

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"The Stupid Guys Tell Me To Use The Stairs!"

Data may be the most brilliant of The Goonies, but he's also unfortunately often the one to suffer the most mishaps, particularly when it comes to one of his cool inventions failing him. At one point, he also falls through some stairs and has a bit of a breakdown, referring to himself in the third person and it's adorable:

"Data's okay! Data's quite tired of falling and Data's tired of skeletons! The stupid guys tell me to use the stairs when Data's falling!" When Brandon asks why he didn't use the stairs, Data responds, "Use the stairs! Stairs! The stupid guys tell me to use the stairs when Data's falling. If Data's hurt, nobody cares anymore." Mikey says, "Data's fine!" so nonchalantly and Data goes on, "Then some guy tells me I have stupid inventions. I've been spending months and months studying on them and inventing them. God!”

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Rewatched it today for the maybe 100 time. Still one of the best 80ties flashback movies.

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This is probably one of the best adventures in the history of cinema! I had so much fun watching it!
And all the different characters bring something special to this film.
It's just delightful!

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Hey, you guys! this film never gets old, good 80's classic with an awesome adventure, a great young cast, full of humour and gets better every time. I hear there's a upcoming follow on coming by the same director that I don't think they should make and leave it with the one film.. Goonies never say die!

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Fun to Watch. Pity that I have not seen the movie as a child.

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"Goonies never say die!"

I always wanted to be part of the Goonies as a kid. The movie is silly, fun, adventurous and most of all, you have to have a good imagination. You got booby traps, pirates, thieves, rascals, romance... everything a kid adventure movie should have.

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How did I sleep on this? This has to be THE quintessential kids-riding-their-bikes-going-on-an-adventure movie. The characters (and there are a lot of them) are all unique and fun, the writing is solid. Heck, even the music is great!

It's just so charming, and so simple. It gives me a nostalgic feeling... like I'm nostalgic for a movie I've never seen. It's that '80s movie feel. The adventure is grand, the beats and timing of the jokes land in that certain (sometimes a bit cheesy) way, and the kids swear more than they probably should. It's a wild ride, and it warms my heart a little.

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So if you've not seen it do it right now, and if you have kids sit them down, hold their hand through the scary bits and enjoy!

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If I was rating this based on how it made me feel and the nostalgia it wraps around me like a warm blanket, it would easily be a 10/10. However, objectively it's still just a great feel-good adventure movie, and hits especially close if you grew up with a group of friends similar to the Goonies. Love this film and always will.

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A Classic, a Cult Classic, the best adventure picture of all time - these are the things said about this movie. Why? I think it was a generational obsession that keeps repeating because the kids who fell in love with it in the 80s, showed it to their kids, who fell in love with it at the turn of the millennium, and, now, the third generation, millennials, are experiencing it anew. It has all the elements of a child’s imagination: pirates, booby traps, villains, perils in the chase, good buddies, a map, the threat of losing all they hold dear. It captures the imagination. I give this film an 8 (great adventure) plus an addition point as a classic, so, 9 (classic adventure) out of 10. [Childhood Adventure]

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What a fun and talented group of kids. I know now why this is such a classic.

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Wonderful film.

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The Goonies is a poor adventure movie. A group of idiot kids and teens find a treasure map in an attic, then go on a search for lost pirate treasure. The kids and teens are constantly yelling and/or screaming, which was annoying. This movie has not aged well.
This movie is supposedly a family friendly movie. I beg to differ. There's crude humor and bad language in this movie. There's violence, sexual references, and some scary images. There's quite a lot of content that's inappropriate for young viewers.
Since this movie is not appropriate for family viewing, then it really is only for adults. And as a movie for adults, it just came across as stupid and annoying. This movie is overrated. Not worth watching again.

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My first time watching the film, even though I had already received spoilers, I still liked it. It has funny moments that made me laugh, although there were some that I didn't find so funny. I found Mikey's speech with One-Eyed Willy strange, after all, why would he be a Goonie?

I felt sorry for the character Lawrence, as he suffered and was mocked in the first part of the film.

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Theme- 8.5/10
Rewatchibility- 10/10
Acting- 9/10
Kinematography- 10/10
Time- 10/10
Total - 47.5/5 = 9.5

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I wanted to be a goonie

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Can’t believe I was a kid in Oregon and never saw this movie–wasn’t even really on my radar. I wish I had seen it then, because watching it now was fairly excruciating. It was like watching the movie equivalent of a Pixy Stix–just pure chaotic energy, pitched at a volume of 11. This was produced by Spielberg but contains none of the magic you find in E.T. or similar. Hard to watch.

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I didn't grow up watching this. I just saw the new 4k UHD and I enjoyed it but mostly because of the characters. The story is pretty meh. Indiana Jones for kids but with less ambitious adventures. It's not as ageless as Stand By Me.

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I went in with low expectations and was veryy impressed with how fun this was! The child actors really make this film great and the story is simple, but compelling.

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i can see the effort. have some funny moment.but the antagonist disappointed me.

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Nothing more nostalgic than this movie. I have so many memories of my younger brothers and I constantly binging to this movie, and once finishing it, we would pick roles and pretend to act the movie out, as little kids would with their imaginations.

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