Trust the audience over the critics - this one is definitely worth the watch. Not a cheap comedy, not yet a masterpiece. It strikes a good balance between light hearted and serious.

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I can't stress enough how much I hate how his duffle bag is a bottomless pit of beer cans.

The movie could have been good but the directing was all over the place.

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I wanted to like this more than I did. Efron and Crowe were good on the whole, although the latter wasn't in it for enough. The issue was the absurd level of ignorance of Efron's main character throughout. If it was a fictional movie I'd probably have turned it off halfway through. As a "based on true story" dramatization I felt compelled to stick it out. Most characters come across as cringe and there's a large quantity of overacting.
It does portray some of the sudden chaos well; however. 5.3

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It was just okay, although it could've easily been better. If they gave us a backstory of the guys he was bringing beer too, then it would've really felt connected.

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It's not Good Morning Vietnam but it was a good watch.

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The true story behind this movie is bizarre to be sure but its also well meaning. The movie itself is fairly decent, with a few tense sequences and occasional moments that pack an emotional punch. Recommended, even if, like me, you can't stand the taste of beer!

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Interesting movie fr fr
I liked how his character growth happened, a bit “in your face” but that is war lmao

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i really enjoyed this movie. Well done.

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"Guys, I don't think we're saving the world this time..". hehehe, anyway, great to see Rusell is losing weight.

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I had no idea this movie was coming until I saw it listed on the "offsite backup" sites, and decided on a whim to give it a view. It was only after watching I discovered it was on ATV+ which I subscribe to and could have watched it there.

It really came in under the radar, and was a very pleasant surprise. The plot point and story sound dull and uninteresting, but it's quite a good movie. An uninteresting premise that is very well told.

Zac Efron is a surprisingly good actor (even in movies that were not good) and he pulls off this character perfectly. Taking him from naive mate with no direction but lovable, to world weary and experienced. I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for his name in upcoming movies going forward.

This movie is definitely well worth seeing. One of the best things ATV+ has put out.

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Shout by Deleted

Man did it for the boys. A legend that inspires me that I'll never forget.

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A very pleasant surprise. The trailer made it seem silly but the story ended up being quite interesting.

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Nice! Nice!! Nice!!! True story well acted.Worth the watch

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The greatest Pabst commercial of all time!

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One of those movies based on a true story that you watch and just can't believe it actually happened. But at the same time it's so wild only real life could have scripted it.

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What a marvel of modern cinema to make a movie about Vietnam and not use Fortunate Son in the soundtrack.

Solid movie with an interesting and unique true story. Nothing groundbreaking, but it does do a good job of making opposing views at least feel genuine and connecting. Far too often, views are glazed over or propped as strawmen to be knocked down by the moral narrative of a story, but I felt every character here at least felt authentic.

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A completely fine, heartfelt journey of Dudes Rockin’ over the simple act of sitting down and sharing a beer, even if the world is falling down around us. I already see the same people that wear out their irony praising how “unhinged” and “fun” Morbius or Venom are, tripping over themselves to shit on this movie.

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