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The Greatest Showman 2017

Hands down, the best thing I've ever watched. Please see this film.

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This was an amazing musical. Hugh Jackman performed great, but the thing that gave me goosebumps was the song and performance of the "This Is Me" song.

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We expected a lot more from this movie… maybe we were biased as so many people told us it's such a great movie, so we expected a lot.
But altogether the whole story was flat and so predictable. The soundtrack… every song sounds the same, so there's no distinction.
Effects are well made and actually the only impressive thing about this movie.

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This is what a musical should be like. Fast paced, beautifully executed and choreographed and the music is astounding but The performances are what makes it all come together. Loved it!

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Shout by Francisco
BlockedParent2017-12-29T00:02:59Z— updated 2018-01-08T16:23:26Z

Fun and entertaining movie with an interesting story, good singing and choreography. With Hugh Jackman being great in it and the stunning visuals I ended up leaving the cinema surprised and with a smile on my face. All in all, it is a great movie.

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One of the best soundtracks. Love the progression from a dream to a reality.

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This movie is terrible, not only ignored the real history of P. T. Barnum, the music is nauseating, it tries to be a feel good movie with a message but just ends up being a cheap musical production, with no art or story in it.

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listen. i think the songs were great. The plot was meh, and at times a little cringey, BUT this was still a fun movie. I got hyped whenever they sang and it was fun. There some weird bits and cuts where i was like...."wat", but hey, this ain't an oscar movie. Its supposed to be a movie that slaps, and is it a movie that slaps, YESSIR. musicals ain't my thing but this was entertaining. Finished this at 2:10PM.

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The Simon Cowell of his time, this is a jaunty musical about the man who gained fame and fortune by highlighting the defects of others on stage. Okay, so he may not have been that bad - a character in the film says Barnum is 'celebrating all of humanity' - but I doubt the man's motives were that pure. The film itself is okay, but it's hardly a great movie musical, despite the positive ravings of others.

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Shout by Horror future #7
BlockedParent2018-09-25T12:51:10Z— updated 2020-03-12T14:32:28Z

Great movie left me with a smile on face..Nice directing,costumes and plot was ok..I Couldn't take my eyes of the screen for two hours so i suppose is a must see! 8.6/10

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the music doesn't stick with the story and it's essential for a musical... the story is not original.. it seems like a disney, mostly with zac efron and zendaya, hugh jackman remains very charming and I'll let these 5 stars for him. it's not a bad movie, but it's far to be a really good one too

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Shout by MaryLalalaify
BlockedParent2018-08-30T17:54:32Z— updated 2024-01-17T14:32:09Z

I don’t know about the real story so I’ll only talk about the film: this is the worst thing I’ve watched for a very long time. It took me 5 tries to finish it. It was even painful. I love musicals, I REALLY DO, but this... every piece of melody sounded exactly the same as the previous one and I had the feeling every act was starting somewhere in the middle of the song. The general impression was thus that I was watching the trailer of the film instead of the actual thing. For 2 hours. The story was very predictible and it gave the characters no time to develop. Finally, what about the women? Even blander; mere decoration.

In conclusion, I never expected I would like a film about a circus and I was right. It doesn’t work for me. In the end, it’s just nicely trying to introduce a man who gathers people to make a freak show and trains animals for such a purpose— even when they are (terribly) designed by a computer program.

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Saw it's about 8 point everywhere, excited a lot because it's hard to find something to watch nowadays. Omg the intro is awesome, excited even more! Then the girl arrives and i expect the boy to talk.

In that moment, the moment that boy started to sing instead talking i wanted to destroy the holywood with nuke. When this musical fashion will end!

People should talk on movies not sing!

I hate musicals!

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Not great, if you actually know anything about pt Barnum. the acting was okay but not amazing and the characters were not that memorable.

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Went in with great expectations and still I was pleasantly surprised. That happens very rarely. A truly enjoyable movie and one of the best I’ve seen recently. Everything about it is perfection. I already know I’ll be rewatching it many times.

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I just loved this movie. Everything in it was beautiful.

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A thoroughly entertaining film, with good cinematography and editing, and great performances by the cast. But the plot was shallow and very predictable.

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one of the best movie/musical I ever watched... amazing songs, amazing performances and a very good message, to be afraid to be your self.

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Shout by spellenjunk
BlockedParent2017-12-25T16:14:46Z— updated 2018-12-16T07:36:35Z

I loved it! I was smiling from begining to end! the story is great I liked that it is modernized. the music is amazing I love the soundtrack!

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The Greatest Showman is absolutely stunning, it was so fun and entertaining to watch yet it was also emotional and put tears in my eyes. Hugh Jackman, Zac Efron and Zendaya all performed beautifully. 10/10

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great songs, finally got around to watch this movie and i really loved the songs

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The rate is between 7-8 but I'll give it 7.5

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Watched this with the family on vacation and now everybody thinks I'm the movie doctor because I know just what film to prescribe to make everyone happy.

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A STRONG 10/10

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First things first this movie is extremely entertaining as a family friendly musical but I have the same problem with it that I’ve had since its inception, casting P. T. Barnum as an underdog hero undermines the horrors of the true story. Leave the real accounts of these characters to one side however and I don’t have all too much of an issue with the greatest showman. The musical numbers are all pretty good and are accompanied by fantastic choreography. The cast are also great, Hugh Jackman and Michelle Williams turn in performances you would expect from actors of their talent and Zendaya and Zac Efron really hold their own in challenging roles. I think there is a more interesting P. T. Barnum biopic to be made but this works fine as a family movie with a good message. With a string of lazy and annoying kids movies in recent years this is a film I would highly recommend to any parent. It Doesn’t fully sugarcoat it’s source martial but it also still wants you to route for Barnum, depending on how that makes you feel, this movie ain’t half bad.

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This is the greatest show!

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Catchy songs and good performances… what else do we need from musical? ;)

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The songs are very good.The story is interesting.Overall Great Movie

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Better than expected. Music is pretty good, but the story is more geared to the music than an actual storyline. Great time waster. 8/10

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Shout by T3cWr1t3r
BlockedParent2018-04-08T03:52:21Z— updated 2018-11-26T12:42:01Z

In the first place, I refused to watch it because they sell it only as a musical, however it's definitely more than that. It teaches you an eye-opening life lesson. Furthermore, the soundtrack is a complete masterpiece; I still listen to it.

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Everyone comparing to La La Land and all I could see was Sing! But the songs here were the best in a musical.

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found it to be utterly dull, the songs all had the same 80's base track, there was no drama, It feels like there's 50 minutes worth of character development sat on the cutting room harddrive waiting to be added back in for an extended edition.
when something did happen, a big happy tune was sung and we very nicely merged to a new scene , it's almost like "click" the musical, if PT just sang during the bits he didn't like. he'd skip to a good bit.
*I couldn't care enough to hold my need to go for a pee near the end.

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Boffo old fashioned entertainment. This musical has powerful singing, great dancing, colorful costumes (and characters), great acting and an entertaining story. See it while it is still on the big screen to send Hollywood a message that we love to see movies that entertain at the movie house. 10/10

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Wow! I loved this musical! I truly felt the whismy and magic that Barnum was trying to convey in his original shows. Breathtaking effects, catchy songs and "freaks" you want to love!

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I loved how there was that one song that kept popping up throughout the movie and tying the different parts of the story together.

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Holy hell the music is absolutely amazing. All the performers can sing beautifully. I am sooooo impressed.

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An amazing musical and Hugh Jackman is amazing in the movie,one movie I'll be buying on Blu-ray..10/10

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this movie was amazing ... love it

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Love this film. The music is just amazing and the story is quite nice too.

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Outstanding!!!!! I have seen it countless times and everytime is amazing! :hearts:

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Wao! This movie/musical is amazing! Brilliant! A must watch <3

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Shout by Hélder Dias

It does drag a bit, but its edited very well. Worth checking if you like music.

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I can't be the only one who really can't stand Hugh Jackman's acting when he has a REAL role. He's ok as an action hero, but I can always see him acting when he takes on a challenging role. His singing is mediocre and really I find that most the time I just want him to shut up and close his mouth. The story was ok, but he spoilt it for me.

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Shout by Ephellon

If you're into musicals, then this movie is a perfect fit for you. I only rated this at 5 because I'm not into musicals, I was hoping for more of a biography/drama.

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I've never seen anything quite remarkable as this one. I've loved every single moment on this film. Beautiful.

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Shout by herald jose

great musical work, but could have given better plot.

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I watched this musical yesterday in cinema.. Not my favorite type of movie but deserve 9/10

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As someone who loathes musicals, I kept wanting to hate this film but was only partially successful. Some of the musical numbers were even not terrible.

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This was one of my most anticipated movies, in a long time. I was so excited, and still am! Absolutely loved it. I didn't want it to end. I had been listening to the soundtrack a few weeks before I saw the movie, and I must say, the movie is just as great as the soundtrack.

The cast was perfect, and it truly felt like they were a family. I find the story to be so inspiring and wonderful, I want everybody to watch it, and learn from it, and enjoy it, and love it, and dance to it, and feel it, and I just really really like this movie.

I am already planning my second visit to the cinema to see this.

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I took my wife and 6 children to see this film. We all loved it. The songs became a constant sound around my home. I thought the story line lacked consistency, but the songs made it fantastic.

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Shout by Katja van W.

One of the best movies I have seen in a while. loved the music, song and choreography. stunning movie with lovable cast and plot!

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This is the musical that I have been waiting for! Despite all the great critics reviews, LaLaLand was a bust. The singing was mediocre, the dancing was mediocre and the story itself was boring. But this movie is everything that I was expecting and more! The actors were great, the singing was amazing and the story was enoyable. And above all else, the songs were well-written and will have you singing long after you've left the theater. There have been some complaints that the story itself is highly fictionalized, well, it's a musical, of course its fictionalized!

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Shout by Deleted

Full-on, over-the-top, musical which despite any reservations I may have had, left me tapping my feet and grinning like an idiot. Hugh Jackman on fine form.

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I Really love the soundtrack

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This movie has all the elements of a classic musical, colourful visuals, awesome costumes, an emotional roller-coaster of a story played by a stunning cast. But it's greatest gift to us is the soundtrack. I've had "This is me" in my most replayed Spotify list since it was release.

When the sharpest words wanna cut me down
I'm gonna send a flood, gonna drown them out
I am brave, I am bruised
I am who I'm meant to be, this is me!


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this is a fun enough movie with great performances; hugh jackman is always amazing, and zac efron and zendaya are standouts. the songs are great and fun.

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i, too, would fall in love with zendaya at first glance

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Did I despise the main character of this film completely? Hell yesss! Was this still a stunning and beautiful movie with gorgeous and uplifting music? Hell freaking yessss AGAIN!!

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Just finished another run of this amazing art piece and it's still a 10, no doubt!!
Still brings tears hearing these songs!

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A great musical that has emotion and character in it. A lot of big names in this movie, and I feel like they all delivered on what they were trying to do.

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What a musical. Great story and AMAZING music. See it so many times just watch it for the songs now. A great Crimbo-Limbo film.

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One of huge ackmans greatest performances and possibly one of the greatest musicals as well. 10 stars

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I just couldn't get into it and I had to speed run through it lol

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One of my favorite movies ever. This is a musical entertainment masterpiece. The entire film has incredible, creative, and unique choreography in almost every song. The scenery is also spectacularly breathtaking. This film is inspirational, uplifting, entertaining and much more as it represents the joy that entertainment brings people to a tee. All while in the meantime this is a fascinating way to showcase the beginning history of how the very successful Branum and Bailey Circus started. The plot development was on point and the musical scenes were so well placed and portrayed of where the film currently was. Just a spectacle.

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this has been probably my second musical movie after Grease.. and was solo good!

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Shout by Deleted

Huh. Pretty decent. Wasn't expecting that.

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Shout by Bruce

The Greatest Showman without a trench coat.

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This film is Utter garbage. It actually upsets me how awful this film is.

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This film was Utter garbage

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Movies with musicals are soooooooo boring!

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the best is the music

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Shout by David Patini

Pip puiñouhñyvlkhvfegip
Ldldjvñoycenlkc ljñ$drklxbOñrlkcOñro
Ci otrpjpijhkhkfkkb4ofo

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Paco Cinema 2:It has been good, colorful, although it is not the best musical

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Not only did I want to like it. I wanted to LOVE it. I saw the scene where Never Enough is performed before I saw the film and then from the opening scene, I thought the movie was going to thrill me, but it ultimately felt hollow to me. The modern music was really good, but it took me out of it a little. Also, I wanted it to be longer and a little darker at times. I felt like the freak show characters and the relationship between Barnum and the singer could have been fleshed out a lot more. This could have been a grand two and half hour epic. But instead, we got a really good hour and a half musical by way of Hollywood. Fun film, but ultimately too fluffy and empty.

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Great movie. Since the first X-Men movie, every film that has Hugh Jackman in never lost me.
He'a always saying he belongs on stage much more than he belongs on screen. Lucky for us he can do both.

Some thing else: is it just me or Zendaya is young Jennifer Lopez lost twin? Those face mimics.

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10/10 for this incridible musical. The picture was perfect, the actors made a beautiful job: acting, singing and dancing. The soundtrack killed it! Watching this made me crying a little... Reminds me "AHS Freak Show" when they choose freak artists to the show and how their lifes changed from this, the courage to be who you really are and show your talent to the world without fear.

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Shout by SailorEffinMoon

This was a surprise love for me. I'd never even heard of it before I watched it. The music was fantastic!

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Shout by Deleted

I really love this movie and the songs are just amazing!

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Shout by Deleted

I thought that is an app where you can watch the movies on your phone... less better than Netflix but I was wrong:(

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Shout by Deleted

I thought that is an app where you can watch the movies on your phone... less better than Netflix but I was wrong:(

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You know if it's a good musical if it moves you from start to finish. Last watched a good musical was Moulin Rouge & Les Miserables.

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Shout by Mohammed

فلم موسيقي جميل يحتاج الى سماعات ذو جودة عالية وشاشة كبية واستمتع
this movie is a music movie it' nice and need headphone and screen with good quality and you can have fun with that

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I missed this one in cinemas so i am super happy to catch it this year at the rooftop cinema this spring/summer! I am certain it will be amazing.

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I have nothing to say apart from just... Amazing!

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Goddammit, I so wanted to hate this film... but couldn't stop myself from loving it. I dare you to watch!

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Hugh Jackman does a great job in his role of this movie. I enjoyed the story, and the pacing of the movie.

For me, musicals tend to take away from a story more than add to it, and I felt the same way with this one.

If you're into musicals, this was one of the better ones I've seen, otherwise I'd say this one is skippable.

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Shout by eizhan


Great soundtrack and choreography that give audience a exciting experience.But,the it was just too straight forward that make the story too simple and light.You might enjoy this if you searching for a exciting musical experience with a light hearted family friendly story.But if you looking for a movie that can do best in both musical experience and story,La La Land is the answer.

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A good musical but has a bad and predictable plot

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Really love this film, but more so the soundtrack! Absolutely outstanding!

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This was, to be honest, the best musical I've seen since I was a kid and I was watching High School Musical. Just amazing and too complicate to review more than this. I love it.

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