Personal Lists featuring...

The Grifters 1990


The films released in the Black Label collection by 101 Films


Years 1931-2018 come from:
The New York Times: Book of Movies
the essential 1,000 films to see
2019 ed

Years after 2018 come from NYT website.

work in progress
There are discrepancies between the website and the book, particular for years after 2003. Please leave a comment for any errors you find.


Crime, Drugs, Espionage, Gangsters, Incarceration, Mafia, Mystery, Murder, Police, Prison, Serial Killers, Spies, Thrillers, Suspense, Revenge Porn


List of old releases that are not yet watched. Movies can only go from here to M-List


Movies of non specific genre I already have, or plan to watch.



by Eric Michael Rasnier


Everyone has their favourite genre but we can surely all agree that thrillers are the best. And if you don’t believe us, there’s a suspicious figure in that darkened doorway who’d like a word. From the early classics, like Alfred Hitchcock’s The Lodger or Fritz Lang’s M, to the films of David Fincher and Martin Scorsese, they’re rich in nerve-shredding, adrenaline-pumping rides into the darker recesses of the psyche. Thrillers show us horrors and weave in human dramas, but they use those raw materials to forge something particular: a sense of unease and suspense.

With masterful control of those elements, Hitchcock could manipulate his audiences like puppets on a string, delivering shocks that reverberate through cinema history. Fincher’s Seven and Zodiac have carried on the legacy, while films like Pig, Nightmare Alley and The Card Counter show that the thriller is the genre for all eras. Even superhero flicks, like Captain America: Civil War and The Batman, have been borrowing liberally from the crime thriller. It is, unlike many of its ill-fated characters, alive and well.

But what are the very best of them? As we’ve done with science fiction, horror films, romances, comedies, westerns and war films, we’ve dusted cinema for prints and taken a magnifying glass to its finest thrillers to boil them down to a tonne of all-timers. On the list? Murder, political intrigue, espionage, conspiracy, manipulation, gaslighting and, of course, crime. Lots of crime. Enjoy – and hold on tight.

Written by Abbey Bender, Joshua Rothkopf, Phil de Semlyen, Tom Huddleston, Andy Kryza & Tomris Laffly



TSPDT is building a list of 1000 Noir films to expand on its previous 250 Quintessential Noirs. Following the initial collection of 100 noirs, a further 900 noir films (or films with prominent noir elements) will steadily be added (in a fairly random manner). This list will contain the full 1000 films which are the 1,000 most cited noir films (according to TSPDT's research). Please note that this list has not been and will not be ranked.



This list is drawn from "The New York Times Book of Movies: The Essential 1,000 Films to See", published in 2019. It contains a selection of 1000 reviews that have been printed in The New York Times. The majority of movies in this book are among the "10 Best Films" chosen by New York Times critics at the end of each year.



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All my favorite movies.
