Shouts about...

The Grudge 2019

Very disappointed with this one.

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How does a script like this gets approved? It's terrifying by its absolute lack of effort!

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This was movie was absolute garbage.

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How does a script like this gets approved? It's terrifying by its absolute lack of effort!

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what a pile of shit

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It’s a 93 minute long fart noise.

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The movie was quite average, wish there was more of a presence of the actual Grudge ghost, and not just the possession of characters. I do like what they did with the different interlocking storylines.
Another thing that didn’t reach my expectations is the prevalence of Japanese folklore and the lack of it. The film only mentioned Japan when referring to one of the past movies.
Overall, definitely not the worst movie, but I feel that it had much more potential to up the horror factor but also the Japanese culture factor.

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DO NOT WATCH, this movie is stupid as fuck

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One of the worst “horror” movies that I’ve ever had the misfortune of watching. Relies far too heavily on jump scares and even those are so predictable they don’t even work.

The whole premise of the curse is ridiculous and there is absolutely no character development so you don’t even up caring for anyone at all in this movies.

Yet another pointless remake of a remake of a remake.

Do yourselves a favour and what the original Japanese Ju-On movies.

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It was disappointing. Guess I was just expecting more than what the movie had.
Someone in the theater stood up immediately after it ended and said “what a wasted ” which was exactly how I felt too.

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Surprisingly beautiful soundtrack for a horror movie.

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Part reboot, part sequel, The Grudge is a confusing mess that doesn’t deliver any scares. The story follows a police officer who investigates a brutal murder and discovers that it has a connection to a past case. The storytelling is especially poor, as it’s often unclear what’s going on; and is made more so by attempts to place the film in continuity with the previous Grudge films. Still, director Nicolas Pesce does a good job at setting a creepy and foreboding tone, and there are some disturbing scenes of violence. Yet The Grudge fails to offer any real thrills, supernatural or otherwise.

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Note to myself: Just because Sam Raimi is the producer of the movie doesn't mean it will be good.

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Well the film was watchable with some good moments but was definitely all over the place with the plot and some actors did better than the film itself, specially lin shaye that plays her horror roles well.

I didn’t like this new take on the grudge and definitely prefer the Japanese version and even the first remake that was close to the Japanese one starring Sarah michelle gellar that wasn’t bad but not great but was better than this version.

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I giant meh. I don't dislike that the curse travels and that we followed a new character from the Saeki house to America. But the writing was just trash in comparison, it lost all of its charm and scare. I feel the more you move away from Japan and the Saeki family the less compelling it becomes. I didn't dislike The Grudge three as much as this but I disliked it in the same way. It's just not great, the first five minutes in Japan are great but everything else was just eh.

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Its a bit of a mess really. There are a couple of good moments, but it's too convoluted for its own good. And please, can filmmakers please remember that just because you're making a horror movie, you don't have to cast Lin Shaye. She's great, but then again, so are a lot of other actresses who could have played her part.

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Someone needs to alert the editors that they forgot to include the parts where something actually happens in the final cut.

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This was, disappointing to say the least. Though it was a good idea in theory to add seperate storylines, I felt they were a bit disjointed and didn't flow well. I also felt the movie lacked a build up of tension necessary to really add punch to the jump scares they added. Overall, not a complete waste of time, just not what I hoped for.

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I enjoyed it. It was full of jump scares (like the other Grudge films) but those were to be expected. Overall, this had more of a sinister/creepy feel rather than actual horror; you knew stuff was going to happen but still, the overall feel of the movie left you with that apprehensive sensation. The storyline itself, to me, was kind of a muddled mess; it was so jumbled and jumped from one family story to another that (again, speaking just for me) it was kind of confusing to follow. The 2019 version had less of a "horror" vibe than the original film, but it was still an enjoyable fright flick. Again, your mileage may vary depending on your appetite. Obviously there are those fans of the original who feel quite vehemently about this particular film but I enjoyed it.

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Bo-o-o-o-o-o-o-ring. Boring. Boring Times 5

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Looks pretty good, try it

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The only reason i finished it, was zu get it of my Netflix List.
This is nothing comparable to the older The Grudge.
The only Horror-ish Moments in this movie are cheap Jumpscares...

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Let's just say "horror" word should not be in the genre section of this movie, mystery is good ... Actually if you start on that basis then you'll probably not be so "what just happened?" at the end of it all :)).

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Somehow watchable .. i can relate to the haunting ... I am also haunted IRL :(

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Did they really do the peek-a-boo bit out of the Japanese version?

Anyway, The Grudge is a kind of a weak attempt to reboot/continue the American "Grudge" movies. This time we have the vengeful Melinda. She holds a grudge to anyone that enters the house she was murdered in.

To me, this one wasn't all that bad. Maybe it was because I went in with low expectations because of all the bad stuff I read about it. I did need to rewind the film in the middle because I fell asleep, but that might have been just me. Some deaths are brutal, the scares you can see coming from a mile away and there is almost none to none atmosphere in this one. Which is a big letdown. Especially with Sam Raimi attached as a producer.

I did enjoy seeing John Cho, Elizabeth Folan Gilpin and Frankie Faison (Damn I need to watch the Wire again!). Sometimes you just need to enjoy the little things right?

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Shout by T-TOWN
BlockedParent2020-03-11T19:54:55Z— updated 2020-09-14T01:05:55Z

not the worst, but very boring and forgettable.

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The Grudge is McDonald's horror: it has a famous name but tastes like it's generic.

The best thing about The Grudge is that it didn't piss me off. The worst thing about it is everything else. There's no narrative arc here, it's just people from jumbled time lines walking around houses where damp spirits wade in shadows. There's no aesthetic, unless you call toilet bowl gray a look. There are no scares... The only thing scary about it is how predictable it all is.

Oh well, it didn't make me mad and I didn't fall asleep, so for a franchise at least I got what I expected. Hell, it was better than The Grudge 3.

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The Grudge was so boring I almost fell asleep at the theater... The only thing who made me open my eyes was the sound of the weak jumpscares who kept showing up. I'm sure it'll remain one of the worst of 2020.

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Reboot is not great! Movie is called Grudge but where is she!

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I haven't seen this yet. But can I say, just please stop remaking good Japanese horror movies? Why do Americans think that they can remake a classic japanese horror movie and actually make it better? NO. This has never happened. Even the movie poster sucks. geez

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