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The Help 2011

This is a bit of a difficult one to watch cause of the cognitive dissonance I had since we have our own maid at home. Brought up a lot of questions.

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This was just a another white savour film but it was okay ig

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Good movie with solid performances all around. If you ask me, the ratings are a bit inflated because it has to do with race.

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I first watched this movie back in August 2013 and I rated it 5 out of 10. I'm sure I didn't understand it at all at that time and I'm sure I didn't completely understood it this time either after watching it again, but it hit somewhat different making me change the rating to 8 out of 10... I'll guess I'll have to take another 10 years and see how i'll feel about it. Beautiful movie, I wish it was longer.

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DAMN. I cried SO much!! I love this sappy shit. The whole “you’re smart… you’re important” bit actually ruined me every time. Incredible. What a funny and heartwarming and beautiful story. And well told too, there’s some great writing and some even better acting in this movie. Bravo.

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"Eat my shit"

I can see how some see this as a "safe" movie, but I really enjoyed it. Everyone was cast perfectly and I am adding Bryce Dallas Howard's character to my most hated characters list.

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I loved the movie, but it shouldn't be taken as an example in the struggle of black people because they don't need white people for it like it happens in the movie.

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Slightly slow-burner but, a good emotional ride! Top notch-acting from all!

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What a great movie that was, a must watch for everyone 9.5/10! Stone,Davis and Spencer did the perfomance of their life..

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I've ever seen in my life.

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DVD includes Music Video by Mary J Blidge

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DVD includes 1 music video

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Shout by Deleted

The Help is one of the best films we have gotten in recent years. Most of the characters are easily to latch on to and the story remains easy to follow despite multiple storylines. Viola Davis and Octavia Spencer really steal the show with exceptional performances and Jessica Chastain and Emma Stone show their high potential with engaging characters. The Help even manages to fly by at almost two and a half hours and emotions run high through the whole story.

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Jessica Chastain steels it

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Wow, I think I've never cried this much while watching a movie. Great performances <3

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Interesting movie, there are sometimes too many american cliche, but it's about a very important issue, about black people

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Completely moving... I don't know how people can't like it. Beautiful story, great acting.

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Can you don't cry ??

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Not perfect, & it does descend at moments into white people feeling sorry for themselves, but Davis, Spencer & Tyson inhabit their roles with grace, strength & truth. Certainly worth seeing.

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Bem, vou falar em português por preguiça. Um dos filmes mais bonitos que já assisti. Se o mundo todo assistisse esse filme, com certeza não haveria preconceito racial. Acredito que da mesma forma que o preconceito racial foi acabando aos poucos, o preconceito sexual, religioso acabará. Vivemos em um mundo taxado, mas conforme o tempo for passando, isso irá diminuindo. O preconceito sempre existirá, mas sempre em menor escala. Se os negros venceram parte dessa barreira, por quê os homossexuais, os religiosos e outras diferentes etnias não venceriam? Assistam, recomendo demais. :') Emma Stone sempre fazendo ótimos papéis!

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10/10 From me, I didn't enjoyed a good movie in a while, Emma is amazing.

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Shout by Deleted

A fantastic movie told through the women's eye

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A decent movie, but the racial theme is a bit glossy and hamfisted. There is nothing new here, sadly. Saved by good performances from Stone and Davis.

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Absolutely fantastic movie. I recommend it...very moving film.

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Shout by Deleted

Recommended 100%

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Absolutely beautiful and moving. Stone is wonderful as always.

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