All Lists featuring...

The Hes Case 1982


List created and maintained by

Normal Filters:
Content Type: Filters
Countries: de, es, ee, fi, fr, fr, gr, hu, is, id, it, jp, kr, mx, nl, ng, ph, pl, pt, ro, ru, ch, es, se, ch, th, tr
Trakt ratings: Between 50 and 100 with at least 0
Rumtime: Between 0 and 350 minutes
Years: Between 1910 and 2022


List created and maintained by

Normal Filters:
Content Type: Filters
Languages: en
Trakt ratings: Between 10 and 100 with at least 1
IMDb ratings: Between 10 and 100 with at least 10
Rumtime: Between 30 and 800 minutes
Years: Between 1910 and 2021

Exclusion filters:
Genres: short


List created and maintained by

Normal Filters:
Content Type: Filters
Trakt ratings: Between 50 and 100 with at least 2
IMDb ratings: Between 60 and 100 with at least 10
Rumtime: Between 60 and 1000 minutes
Years: Between 1910 and 2021


List created and maintained by

Normal Filters:
Content Type: Filters
Trakt ratings: Between 20 and 100 with at least 1
IMDb ratings: Between 50 and 100 with at least 10
Rumtime: Between 60 and 800 minutes
Years: Between 1910 and 2021


List created and maintained by

Normal Filters:
Content Type: Filters
Min rating: 0
Max rating: 100
Min votes: 0
Min runtime: 30
Max runtime: 250
Min year: 1980
Max year: 1989


List created and maintained by

Normal Filters:
Content Type: FiltersMin rating: 25
Max rating: 100
Min votes: 2
Min runtime: 65
Max runtime: 300
Min year: 1960
Max year: 1989


List created and maintained by

Normal Filters:
Countries: nl
Min rating: 1
Max rating: 100
Min votes: 1
Min runtime: 1
Max runtime: 250
Min year: 1900
Max year: 2020


In 2008 Nederland 2, the Dutch Film Festival, and VPRO banded together to let the general public vote for the Dutch Film Top 50. The public was able to vote for 3 films from a preselected list of 800+ Dutch films. Around 15000 people submitted their vote. This list is the result of that poll.


Movies, shows, seasons, and episodes I plan to watch.
