Personal Lists featuring...

The Hitcher 1986


In addition to the first list, 31 Personally Defining Movies, these are the next 101 movies, in no particular order, that I feel are must see movies with people who may have similar tastes to mine.


From the book "Hidden Horror: A Celebration of 101 Underrated and Overlooked Fright Flicks"

Edited by Aaron Christensen


The 100 Scariest Movie Moments is an American television documentary miniseries that aired in late October 2004 on Bravo. Aired in five 60-minute segments, the miniseries counts down what producer Anthony Timpone, writer Patrick Moses, and director Kevin Kaufman have determined as the 100 most frightening and disturbing moments in the history of movies.


Top 100 horror movies as picked by Rob Galluzzo, Elric Kane, Rebekah McKendry, and Ryan Turekthe, hosts of Blumhouse's Shock Waves podcast.

They didn't wanna number 'em, so they're in alphabetical order.


100 horror movies that are "Shock Waves approved", meaning they're liked by all hosts of Blumhouse's Shock Waves podcast. It's a good round-up of notable horror films put together by some hardcore horror fans.

Original podcast episode:



The 100 Horror Movies from a horror movies scratch-off chart


My journey through 100 horror movies beginning in 1920


Horror featured on HBO Max. Updated weekly.


Poker Team Zoom

by Chris Straghalis

From movie weeks


Horror movies everyone should see at least once


Rotten Tomatoes’ 84 Best ’80s Horror Movies

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Welcome to Camp Rotten! We’ve got lakes for skinny dipping, Necronomicons for candle-lit reading, and your esteemed camp counselors: A finer breed of spurned psychos, unstable writers, and sarcastic undead you’ll never meet. That’s right, wastoid, they’re all here and more in our list of the 84 Best 1980s Horror Movies!

After the 1970s blew the doors open on horror for mass appeal, and New Hollywood directors became, well, Hollywood, the industry started cranking the movies out by the bloody bucketload. During this hallowed decade of spandex and Spandau Ballet, slashers hit critical bloat (Friday the 13th, Sleepaway Camp), as guffaws mixed in with the guts (Return of the Living Dead, Evil Dead 2). Horror directors who made their name in the ’70s, like John Carpenter and Tobe Hooper, put up valiant fights with The Thing and Poltergeist. And when in doubt, Hollywood just twirled the rolodex to that subtle off-white card with Stephen King’s number on it (The Shining, The Dead Zone). The only stipulation for a movie to be considered for this list was a Fresh rating from at least 10 reviews, before we ranked them all by Adjusted Tomatometer.

Alright you sportos, motorheads, geeks, zeeks, bloods, dweebies, and head bangers: See who’s really bad with the best scary 1980s movies that did blast ever so bodaciously from the theaters and out your VCR!



by Mark Nelson


70s, 80s, 90s, 00s

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Genre Films I like & love

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This is a list of all of the films that have Deep Dives done by the Ty & That Guy podcast


Movies To Own

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filmes cult/Indie/alternativo vistos

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