Shout by Deleted


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The Extended Edition is mich better than the Theatrical Cut!

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Can't live up the Return of the King battles but still very entertaining and emotional. They really stretched the battle sequence out for a lot of the movie and was almost too much.

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The movie that's hardest to watch in the two trilogies. Sometimes less is more

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The most action-packed film of the trilogy, and its somewhat lengthy running time only plays to its advantage, unlike the previous films. It lacks the epic music in the fight scenes that was present in The Lord of the Rings, but the composition of the story, the interaction between the characters resonates with me. Also, of course, the lack of explanatory scenes, such as when Bilbo and Thorin had time to become friends, is striking. Where did Tauriel get such a strong love for Kili in the few minutes they spent together? Why do the dwarves respect Bilbo so much? What and what tasks did he accomplish in the first place? From what I can see he brought Smaug down on Dale with his ineptitude. Apart from the scene with the opening of the Durin's Door, I don't have much else to hang on to. However... I had a lot of fun watching it. Three hours flew by very, very fast (I watched the extended version).

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Entering once more into the breach, The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies brings the entire Middle-Earth saga to a close. In this chapter a human/elf army lays siege to the Lonely Mountain demanding reparations from Thorin; meanwhile an orc army lies in wait preparing to strike and take the lands for Sauron. While the story can’t stand alone, it’s well-told and does a good job of both concluding The Hobbit series and tying into The Lord of the Rings. The battle sequences are incredible, featuring exciting and elaborate action pieces. However, some of the creature designs are a little cartoonish and silly; which distracts from the thrills. Still, the overall battle is quite engaging, with each front having a distinct look and feel. It’s held back by a few problems, but The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies delivers on the promise set up in the first two films.

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Espetacular com seus efeitos especiais fez desse filme o melhor de o Hobbit.

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It was supposed to be a great show and it was... quite next to the book. ;)

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While visually impressive and well-acted, after 7+ hours of these movies, I guess I'm just Hobbit-ed out. 6/10

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While it did disappoint me a little, TBotFA is a worthy ending to the most epic saga in film history. I agree it was unnecessary to make this third film, but if you liked the previous two you'll enjoy this one. Manly tears were shed for that ending :')

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Love the books, love the movies

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My biggest problem with this trilogy is that they took the engaging cute fairytale you can read in a day and turned it into three looooong movies thus ruining the whole magic and atmosphere :sneezing_face:

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It's beautiful, fun, exciting, funny, could have done with less goof rube goldberg action sequences, pretty much the same across the trilogy... I am really sure Ive said this before.

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"Tauriel's love-triangle with Kili and Legolas has been described as "forced", "cliche", and "unconvincing"" Couldn't agree more. Tolkien story was perfect as it is. They tried to make it better and they made it worse. That shite was not needed.

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I did not feel long, but it shows that is stretched, everything is very long and finally links up with Lord of the Rings

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Perhaps because this movie tries hard to mirror Lord of the Rings - to be an "LoTR prequel" - it does not succeed too much in being a good movie.

First we get the continuation of Smaug's terror on the Laketown. This whole event that eventually leads to Smaug's demise feels so much hurried. We see Smaug ravaging the town, we see people fleeing in fear, but we don't see any actual horror preyed upon the people of Laketown. It feels like "just another dragon's burning routine on another town nearby". And the hero who is destined by blood to beat down dragon seems to have lost his mind when jumping straight into the tower without preparation. He even forgot to carry the legendary arrow!

Perhaps because the action, the tense, has been drown so much. When the great dragon is finally taken down, there is no sense of accomplishment at all. This Smaug scene should have been included in the previous movie. The film opens with a rather unsatisfying pace, a rather tedious 30 minutes, before diving into the main event which is the subtitle of this movie: "The Battle of the Five Armies".

This, as the subtitle indicates, should have been a grand event as much as the LoTR's Battle of the Black Gate or Battle of Pelennor fields. Especially since the movie tries so hard to be a LoTR's prequel: epic story of war and a rising darkness.

But nope. The battle itself is not as grandeur as LoTR. The occasional comic relief (like we usually see between Gimli and Legolas) does not work here either.

First, there is almost no buildup for the war. None. We suddenly get an elf army, Thorin's hard-headedness, his distant kin, all out of nowhere. We are presented with bunch of gold-hungry people ready for war without a strong reason to go for war. We see no explanation for Thranduil's hunger for their crown jewel (except for "it's our people's jewel") and so is for Thorin's sudden craziness for gold.

Thorin's greed is supposed to be the main theme of The Hobbit, but we only a slight clue leading to his greedy craziness. It was foreshadowed in the second movie and I was expecting it to be more laid out in this third movie.

Second, the war itself is rather... how to say it, just a clash of weapons. The pacing is very terrible. Especially when the orc armies finally came. The tense between the dwarves and elves were building prior to the orc's arrival, but it gets broken fast (the dwarves just go after the orcs very soon as if they're really that blood-thirsty). Also the title is "Battle of the Five Armies" but the ones who get into action are only dwarves, the elves, and the orcs. The human is just there struggling to survive and the eagles, the fifth army, came very late and were only shown in a flash. We don't even get a view how the war is resolved except for a distant view - a glimpse - that the orc's army is waning. We don't even told how is the Arkenstone - the supposed cause of the conflict - is doing after the war broke!

All this are accompanied with a too-often comic relief brought to you by Alfrid, the former Laketown mayor's second-in-command. Seriously he is really distracting. He bears no relevance to the story at all but the writer keeps bringing him up again and again.

Third, the ultimate showdown between Thorin and Azog is really disappointing. Thorin, who bears so much grudge with the orc who killed his grandfather, fights with no passion at all. The hot-blooded guy who we usually see being rash to many people, do not seem to show his contempt to the very person who brought death to his own family! As a king with remarkable combat prowess, Thorin also looks really clumsy fighting Azog, like his previous combat experience has just gone suddenly.

I just can't understand how easy he thought Azog was dead. I mean it's Azog; it's the guy who he knows himself (indicated in the previous two movies) is very hard to kill. He doesn't even bother to deal a finishing blow and hopes freeze will caught Azog dead! It's like the burning passion in his eyes, when he met Azog face-to-face in the forest (in the previous movie), it's like... it's like that passion has just gone. Gone with the wind.

Last, the epilogue. The dialogue between Tauriel and Thranduil when she is mourning is REALLY REALLY cheesy ("because it was real," really?). Thranduil also sounds so confusingly random when Legolas decides to go ("your mother loves you"... so? Wasn't it Tauriel who brought up the whole "love" stuff?).

It's such a shame because the first and second movie are at least decent.

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Ok, it Looks like i'm the fanboy here...
I really liked this film it a lot. A rewatch in the Cinema is at Hand.
I don't see that this film was unneccessary, now it's a round Story.
And i like to think that this Version would be liked from J.R.R. Tolkien too.

If you are able to get hold of a first Edition from Hobbit, you will noticed a big different to the book we know.

So now i have to wait for the big package with all Hobbits and LotR extendet.

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Disappointing on so many levels.

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Let me see. Winter has arrived. Fearless dwarf leaders. A dragon incinerating cities. A sea faring people dressed in black. A mad king . A monster with blue eyes and pale skin. A dragon killed with a single shot. Hmmm ..

Probably still the best of the Hobbit movies. It looks good (as good as the other movies). The stupid serial itinerary is finally over. There are multiple parallel plots. Some characters actually change over the course of this movie (although it's difficult to understand why). It's still too much relying on characters behaving like stereotypes. The story isn't exactly a complex masterpiece. Fighting scenes are too repetitive and not well balanced. They don't know how to incorporate women - they are too often simple follower of men w/o an ambition on their own. The soundtrack is totally annoying - it's just a standard adventure/fantasy movie soundtrack that is constantly over dramatic. Biggest issue: it's way too long. This movie is too long and they should have cut the trilogy down to one movie.

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Even with a promised battle of five armies, this was pretty boring. I was most entertained while trying to find all of the CGI shortcuts taken. So much fighting, yet so many yawns.

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By far the best of the hobbit films..

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Shout by Katnerys
BlockedParent2018-09-13T15:25:04Z— updated 2018-12-11T10:07:34Z

I am disappointed by Smaug's quick demise which would have been better in the second movie. The action is good and Thorin's treatment is interesting. The conclusion is satisfying and leads us to the beginning of the Lord of the Rings.

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Some little people n dragons n shit

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A satisfying, epic conclusion, with some scenes that really cut me to the heart.

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I honestly wasn't expecting to end up crying like a baby at the end of this movie. Between Kili dying, and Thorin taking this last look at what he worked so hard before dying. It was done very well.

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Over the top action ruined the story.

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After the superb LotR trilogy, Peter Jackson's three-parted "The Hobbit" cannot reach the same level of greatness: the movies are to intent on being funny and depend to much on the fact that they are shot in 3D to be anything better than good (but not great), fun and entertaining action flicks.

None the less, it was an enjoyable series and I do not regret having watched it!

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Shout by Deleted

Le puse un 6 porque soy una persona muy generosa. Pero la verdad, la película huele a mierda. Qué decepcionante. Toda la trilogía.

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This triology is one of the best, some mistakes were made, but hell, no movie is perfect.

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Shout by Deleted

The best one in the Hobbit series but it did not manage to hold a candle to any of the movies in the original trilogy. What a shame.

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Visualmente es la entrega más espectacular de la saga, las escenas de acción logran transmitir momentos épicos de full entretenimiento y los últimos minutos ofrecen un cierre perfecto y nostálgico a esta gran aventura. Pero al fin y al cabo todo esto es superficial, la película carece de trama en sí, tanto así que si se fijan bien, se darán cuenta que todo es relleno de metraje de escenas de acción innecesarias. Pero al fin y al cabo me gustó, le tengo mucho cariño al mundo de Tolkien.

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This was really bad. I agree that Smaug resolution should have been in film 2.

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Really liked the first film, but the second and third felt unnecessary and drawn out. They could easily have fitted the story in to one movie, three hours or so. Not great.

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Shout by CitizenMasi

A bit of a disappointment with some odd pacing. For example the fight with Smaug really should've been in the second film. In this one it felt just rushed. Battle of five armies had it's moments, for example the ending was wistful, but most of the time I wasn't that impressed.

This was the first one I saw in HFR and really can't recommend it. With this much CGI and HFR-picture, I felt like I was watching some video game from time to time. It ate some of the immersion.

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The friend-zone is a bitch, isn't it Legolas?

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The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies is an epic conclusion to the Hobbit trilogy. The film picks up right where the previous installment left off, plunging you into the heart of the battle. The visual effects and action sequences are top-notch, making the battle sequences some of the most memorable in fantasy cinema. As the stakes escalate, the film explores the deeper themes of sacrifice, loyalty, and the consequences of greed. The resolution of various storylines, including the fate of Erebor and its inhabitants, provides a satisfying conclusion to the trilogy while seamlessly tying into The Lord of the Rings trilogy. The film manages to strike a balance between action-packed battles and moments of reflection, ensuring a well-rounded cinematic experience. Although the film may not be without its flaws, it remains a fitting finale to a beloved trilogy. It successfully ties up loose ends, leaving viewers with a sense of closure and a deeper appreciation for the characters and the world they inhabit.

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The endings are a little too ”smushie" for my liking

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My least favourite of the series but still a really good movie.

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I just watched it for the first time since it premiered on theaters. I don't know why I disliked it so much because I really enjoyed it this time. A roller-coaster of a time. But I still not emotionally attached to the characters so the ending didn't hit me as hard as The Return of the King.

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Exactly what it says on the tin - to a fault.

Don't get me wrong, I like it. However, towards the end 'The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies' definitely begins to drag quite heavily - the impact of what eventually happens did not, to be honest, hit as strongly as it could've/should've. The pure action is good, but there's not much to remember about everything else.

None of the characters, with the exception of Richard Armitage (Thorin) and Luke Evans (Bard) I guess, stand out amidst the wall-to-wall battle. Martin Freeman (Bilb), Ian McKellen (Gandalf) & Co. are are of little importance really, which is a shame.

'The Hobbit' series, unfortunately, gets inferior as it goes by. Loved the first film, enjoyed the second but this third installment - while passable - leaves me with a feeling of wanting something else from it. Happy to have watched them though, I'd still recommend them for sure.

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Shout by Deleted

Thorin died just when he and Bilbo were about to MAKE IT GAY. You can't change my mind.

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Shout by Deleted

This is my favorite Hobbit movie, the battle was epic, the end was amazing but sad somehiw because Torin was killed by the orc.

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And it was time for battle, victory, the painful casualties and the return home.

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Tastes like disappointment and shame.

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A 2 hours long video game. I found that it did insist upon itself. When will we get the master cut with a less than 3h trilogy (all three movies) ?

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kind of disappointed in this movie....i still love the entire series but ehhh

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Best one out of the 3 Hobbit movies.

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It felt like the ending to a really long movie, but not a movie on its own.
Nevertheless, I loved it. I'm glad it was three films instead of one. Sad that there isn't more.
It's an end of an era.

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Shout by Samy

I am very sorry to say that I was bored throughout the entire movie... The only character I cared about was Bilbo and that's only because of Martin Freeman's wonderful acting. I loved the first movie of the trilogy but the other two are almost 6 hours of uneventful plot... Being such a hardcore fan of LOTR I'm truly disappointed with this, However, goodbye Middle Earth, it's been a blast!

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Shout by Deleted

movie night

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