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The House Bunny 2008

I need a hug from Anna Faris, too

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Anna Faris is The House Bunny in this mediocre comedy. When Shelley is kicked out of the Playboy Mansion she finds a new home at the ZETA sorority house, which is in desperate need of help to save their sorority from losing its charter. Faris gives a great comedic performance and is backed by a strong supporting cast that includes Emma Stone, Kat Dennings, and Colin Hanks. However, the plot couldn’t be more formulaic; hitting all the usual tropes and clichés. Still, a lot of the jokes work and the film has a positive message. Yet while it’s entertaining and delivers some laughs, The House Bunny is a rote comedy that’s rather forgettable.

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This movie was really much funnier than I expected. I was also surprised to see Emma Stone and Collin Hanks.

The movie on its own may be nothing special but I laughed a lot so it was definitely a fun watch.

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The world must be reaching the limit of how many "this sorority/fraternity doesn't fit in so we have to make them popular" movies can be made. If so, this one counts as two entries because it is so over the top ridiculous. That being said, it is still fairly funny without too much of the crudeness you usually get in a frat/sorority flick. Anna Faris parades around the entire movie in provocative attire and she must have hit the gym for months prior to this filming because it shows. Her ditzy blonde routine was a little too cliche and not nearly edgy enough like her character in Just Friends. This is still an enjoyable way to spend the evening, give it a chance.

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An almost painfully noughties comedy flick with a surprisingly star studded cast. This was like a highschool flashback fever dream with some extra insanity promoting the playboy brand which has aged worse than Hef. That said, it's still a mildly enjoyable turn your brain off movie with low stakes.

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