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The Incredible Shrinking Man 1957

One of the true classics from the golden age of Sci-Fi movies. Its not as talky as many '50s Sci-Fi movies were. Scott Carey starts shrinking almost immediately and we watch him go through as many mental challenges as we do physical battles. This is a smart movie that hints at the cruelties aimed at those that are different. It also shocks with some unexpected situations that Scott Carey must go through as he shrinks out of sight. The ending is wonderful; its not necessarily a happy ending as much as it is an opportunity to ponder the future of the still shrinking Scott Carey.

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Great classic of the fantastic cinema, withstands the passage of time very well, very meritorious effects for the time and the budget

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This is a classical movie from Robert Matheson´s story wrote in the same named book "the shrinking man" bur without incredible. The book is incredible and the movie is fantastic.
If you don't watch yet... What are you waiting for?

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Look, I can appreciate there are metaphors here to be had, but the juvenile part of me refuses to believe this is more than an excuse to run around with some giant props. The special effects here are fun and occasionally interesting, but there's not a ton here to write home about.

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my man richie matheson at it again. dark honey i shrunk the kids.

some commentary on masculinity what does it mean to be a man when you're actually tiny,, when happens when you become tiny but still fun with big monsters.

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A really good science fiction movie… great message at the end although it did not end as I anticipated

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A little dissapointing. Plot wasn't that good. Not much happened. Effects I enjoyed. Maybe a classic in its day.

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