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The Insider 1999

This is kind of a boring story that Michael Mann makes interesting. Al Pacino and Russell Crowe are very good. This is a little long and slow at times. Still it is very well made.

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I remember the interview with Wigand on 60 Minutes. It really blew my mind. I was a smoker back then, and still am, but that is beside the point. I've always known that smoking is bad for me, and how these pompous assholes could sit there and deny the addictiveness of nicotine and the cancerous effects of different ingredients in their tobacco was infuriating. Then in steps Wigand...and things changed. Not over night, but it changed gradually. That interview was important. It couldn't have been easy, much as the movie shows. Taking into account the fact that it is a dramatization of course...

I have no idea why I haven't watched this one before now. The Insider is a smart and intelligent film, with actors who certainly know what they are doing. Exciting in places, and downright scary in others, the story pushes you along in about two and a half hour who never gets boring. Recommended viewing!!!!

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A movie about the importance of investigative journalism/journalistic integrity/whistleblowing is bound to get a little overrated by critics. Nevertheless, I recognize this is a good movie. Great performances/characters, stylish directing by Michael Mann (camerawork and editing holds up a lot better than most other movies from ‘99) and there’s an interesting, complex drama at the core of this. However, it’s too long, sometimes the dialogue feels watered down (repetitive exposition; the court scene where the lawyers interact has some very odd, unrealistic dialogue) and there’s also cheesy stuff in it that clashes with its prestige drama tone. For example, the way that it portrays the tobacco industry threatening Wigand feels like a bunch of scene concepts taken from Oliver Stone’s JFK, or something a comicbook villain would do. So that doesn't quite work, but it's still worth seeing regardless.


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This was a bit of an odd movie to watch. We got top-notch Hollywood actors dramatizing (and probably over-dramatizing) events that already happened, not to mention the viewer probably has pretty good knowledge about the events. The 150+ minute run-time goes by easy enough, although I have to admit that at different times I had trouble figuring out what new characters were added or what was happening. As always it is good to see Pacino as himself and not a caricature of himself.

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