Personal Lists featuring...

The Jazz Singer 1927


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A bunch of films with White people in them, and can involve White culture. They have to show them in a positive light, that's really it. This is built off Yggdrasil's pro-White list and many others from forums/greentext boards. These are what I'd consider great films, most of which teach good morals, that feature predominantly White casts. Given the extreme anti-White rhetoric plaguing American mainstream right now, it's nice to have a reliable list of watchable films. This list encompasses all genres, that's why it's a mess.

If you have a problem with this list existing, move on. There are plenty of racial pride lists for other ethnicities on Letterboxd, including black nationalism. This is just to catalog the best of cinema featuring Europeans.


Musicals or music heavy film favorites.


Movies and shows released from 1920-1929.

Next Decade:
Previous Decade:

A collection from various "Best of" and "Must watch" lists, plus others that mark important milestones or points of history in film or otherwise; feature notable actors, directors, etc.; or that I just personally thought sounded interesting.


A list of every movie nominated for an Academy Award (Oscars) from 1927 to present.


film non su Cineblog o su internet


A list of the films added to the National Film Registry. (Updated 11/1/23)


...and 150 More Worth Mentioning


My list of silent movies to watch.


The very first edition of AFI's 100 Years...100 Movies is a list of the 100 greatest American films of all time.

In 1998, AFI invited more than 1,500 leaders from across the American film community – screenwriters, directors, actors, producers, cinematographers, editors, executives, film historians and critics among them – to choose from a list of 400 nominated films compiled by AFI and select the 100 greatest American movies.



Movies I want to see in order to write a convincing cinephile character. This list is a mix of these two:


I've got the 10th edition of the German translation of "1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die". It's a 960-paged book edited by Steven Jay Schneider, containing the combined knowledge of 77 internationally renowned movie ciritics, with short one to half-sided essays, movie credits, and trivia, throughout all genres and countries.

There are already a number of lists out, however, this book is reviewed every year, and as far as I can tell (I did go through a lot of these lists) non depicts the 2013 edition I possess, which ends with Life of Pi. I then thought of the ideal list being on that includes all movies, starting from the original list from 2003, with all the editions but non of the removals since then. Thanks to the internet, such list exists and therefore I will be adding these here, one by one. I did not "rank" them, because actually the book doesn't either - they are ordered by year and that is as meaningful as any other order I guess. Also, the "ranked lists" all have the problem that some movies are removed, which is why a number of people think about how to renumber this list probably... all things I deem unnecessary.

And yes, I intend to watch them all! If you watch one of them every week, it's just a 20 years task :D


List of winners in the first ceremony of the Academy Awards:
01 Best Picture, Best Engineering Effects: Wings
02 Unique and Artistic Picture, Best Cinematography, Best Actress: Janet Gaynor: Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans
03 Best Director, Comedy Picture: Two Arabian Knights
04 Best Director, Dramatic, Best Writing, Adapted Story, Best Actress: Janet Gaynor: 7th Heaven - Benjamin Glazer
05 Best Actor: Emil Jannings - The Last Command
06 Best Actor: Emil Jannings - The Way of All Flesh
07 Best Actress: Janet Gaynor – Street Angel
08 Best Writing, Original Story: Underworld – Ben Hecht
09 Best Art Direction: The Dove - William Cameron Menzies
10 Best Art Direction: Tempest - William Cameron Menzies
11 Honorary Awards: Charlie Chaplin - The Circus
12 Warner Brothers Production: For producing The Jazz Singer
