I probably would've enjoyed this seminal stain if I'd seen it during its original theatrical run rather than 50 years later after having watched all of the films and shows it inspired. As it is, this comedy original is cliché.

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Hilarious lowbrow humor in (mostly) short skits. It's very '70s-centric, so it helps to have an old awareness of pop culture.

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Boy howdy! Believe me, I'm the last person to hold older movies to todays ideals, but goddamn is this movie sure to offend. The sheer amount of casual sexism and racism on display is kind of hilarious, in how unapologetic it is about it. The real problem here though is that it's not as subversive or funny as it thinks it is. As a spoof I found it more corny than fried.

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More than anything else, this just felt corny. Maybe I would've enjoyed this if I'd watched it in 1977, or maybe we're just spoiled with much better comedic options nowadays. It must be difficult to write timeless comedy

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Reminded me of Amazon Women On The Moon but even worse. Sure enough Landis was involved. The main problem is that it just isn't funny at all. It's like listening to a child tell jokes when he first grasps the idea of humour. The Zucker brothers wrote it? Shocking.

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What an idiotic movie! People really think this is funny?

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