Personal Lists featuring...

The Killers 1946


Film noir is a cinematic term used primarily to describe stylish Hollywood crime dramas, particularly those that emphasize cynical attitudes and sexual motivations. The 1940s and 1950s are generally regarded as the "classic period" of American film noir. Film noir of this era is associated with a low-key, black-and-white visual style that has roots in German Expressionist cinematography. Many of the prototypical stories and much of the attitude of classic noir derive from the hardboiled school of crime fiction that emerged in the United States during the Great Depression. Film noir encompasses a range of plots: the central figure may be a private investigator (The Big Sleep), a plainclothes policeman (The Big Heat), an aging boxer (The Set-Up), a hapless grifter (Night and the City), a law-abiding citizen lured into a life of crime (Gun Crazy), or simply a victim of circumstance (D.O.A.). Although film noir was originally associated with American productions, the term has been used to describe films from around the world. Many films released from the 1960s onward share attributes with film noirs of the classical period, and often treat its conventions self-referentially. Some refer to such latter-day works as neo-noir.


I've got the 10th edition of the German translation of "1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die". It's a 960-paged book edited by Steven Jay Schneider, containing the combined knowledge of 77 internationally renowned movie ciritics, with short one to half-sided essays, movie credits, and trivia, throughout all genres and countries.

There are already a number of lists out, however, this book is reviewed every year, and as far as I can tell (I did go through a lot of these lists) non depicts the 2013 edition I possess, which ends with Life of Pi. I then thought of the ideal list being on that includes all movies, starting from the original list from 2003, with all the editions but non of the removals since then. Thanks to the internet, such list exists and therefore I will be adding these here, one by one. I did not "rank" them, because actually the book doesn't either - they are ordered by year and that is as meaningful as any other order I guess. Also, the "ranked lists" all have the problem that some movies are removed, which is why a number of people think about how to renumber this list probably... all things I deem unnecessary.

And yes, I intend to watch them all! If you watch one of them every week, it's just a 20 years task :D


1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die is a film reference book edited by Steven Jay Schneider with original essays on each film contributed by over 70 film critics.



by physik


TSPDT's 250 Quintessential Noir Films (1940-1964)

by Vivek Kushwaha

The 250 Quintessential Noir Films listing contains 241 films that all contain three key ingredients.

  1. They were all produced in the United States
  2. They were all shot in black-and-white
  3. They were all produced between 1940 to 1959.

The nine films, that have been included, that exclude at least one of these key ingredients are two Non-American-produced noir (The Third Man and Mr. Arkadin), four colour noir films (Leave Her to Heaven, Niagara, Party Girl and Slightly Scarlet), and three films from the early 1960s (Cape Fear, Underworld, U.S.A. and The Naked Kiss).

List has been curated by Bill Georgaris on They Shoot Pictures, Don't They?


1001 Must See Movies Before You Die

by payt1


1001 Movies to see before you die

by Deleted



by sevillabetis


Film Noir Favorites

by bluedfb


All the movies I have watched from the book 1001 movies


Original Edition (2003) + additions (2004-2021) in that order.

2021 Edition Additions:
The Vast of Night (2019)
The Assistant (2019)
Rocks (2019)
Saint Maud (2019)
Tenet (2020)
Ma Rainey's Black Bottom (2020)
Soul (2020)
Never Rarely Sometimes Always (2020)
Lovers Rock (2020)
Nomadland (2020)


In his Guide for the Film Fanatic (1986), Danny Peary provides short reviews for over 1600 “Must See” films.

104 movies missing. Imported from external source.


Source: IMDB
Filter: Votes >= 10000
Order: Votes Descending
Date: 2014-08-23


This list is drawn from the second edition of "The New York Times Guide to the Best 1,000 Movies Ever Made" (St. Martin's Griffin, $24.95), edited by Peter M. Nichols and published in 2004. For additional information about the list, read Peter M. Nichols's preface, or A. O. Scott's introduction.
