Shouts about...

The Kissing Booth 2018

I really hated this movie, the characters were poorly constructed, especially the male characters. All of them manipulate Elle throughout the whole movie, telling her what to do and pushing her around when it suit them.
The worst part for me though was how lightly they treated Noah’s violent side. Lee wondering if he had hit Elle was incredibly painful to watch, and when he slams the car to make her come inside she really does seem frightened. He is a violent character that doesn’t change at all, just says a few nice words at the end to “make up for everything”. Lee gets some sort of redemption by helping Elle, but Noah doesn’t, and I don’t think that’s the message we want kids to get from movies like this one, that your boyfriend loves you because he gets into fights “for you” or that he manipulating you and other people around you is something sweet and a proof of how much he cares about you. That’s wrong, and this movie take on that is completely horrible and misleading.

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Do you want to waste your time? This movies is perfect for that.

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Ahh, I loved every part of it! Perfect for a simple, relaxing Netflix night.

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I thought we were past manipulative love interests. I really did.

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I typically like mindless teen comedies, but this one's so very bad. I wanted all the characters to burn.

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A typical high school teenager chick flick!
Simple movie that's easy to follow, not like you'd have too since it's such a cliché filled movie.
It's so predictable, you know exactly what's going to happen lol.
The chemistry between the two main characters was fantastic.
Likable characters, great acting, nice camera work, entertaining.
People seem to either love it or hate it.
I personally thought it was a very decent feel good movie.

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so so so so bad. legitimately horrible.

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Filmes legalzinho. Mas parece que pegaram uma fanfiction no wattpadd e resolveram filmar.

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A little too cringe IMO. I did enjoy it but like dang some parts are just embarrassing.

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I really really HATED this movie. First of all, why are adults being cast in high school movies? Second of all, despite being educated and privileged Elle wants to be with Noah who REJECTS her and the other guys who actually want to be with her. The character development was so so abysmal that I ended up liking Lee the most because his character was least problematic. Nonetheless, I will keep my biases aside and watch The Kissing Booth Part 2 because that is why I sat through this movie to begin with.

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Wow. Trust me, you can skip this one.

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It's your typical teen drama. You know, the cringe and stuff. Honestly, to all the boys is better. Some of the characters are just there so that the MC's can have a reason to do their choices. Like Lee's girlfriend, she came out of nowhere. The gay couple, like wtf, we only see them once and they now dancing in the prom together. Warren, maybe just a horny guy, but where the hell does this guy came from.

It's a decent movie if you enjoy this kind of theme.

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This one is sooo bad. All the trashy romance cliches are in this movie. I am forcing myself to finish it, because I only rate completely watched movies.

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it's one of the worst teenage movies netflix has ever produced, the love story portraied in the film is toxic and the male charachters are really bad. I only recommend it of you like trashy movies like me and want to spend an hour laughing at these idiots.

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Enjoyed this movie so much more than I thought I would!

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the only good thing worth watching in this movie was Jacob Elordi !
God he is just 21 !

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I thought that I would hate it at first, but actually I really liked it.
Highly recommended even though I don't usueally rate these kind of movies this good.

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I liked it, very nice teen movie. And love the actors.

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This is such a bad movie lmao - but 10/10 fight sequence. Overall: Outdated & no real substance - hard pass.

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What a very cute and clever film for a teen rom-com as it follows 2 best friends, a girl and a boy, who both find the unlikeliest of matches while running a kissing booth. What seemed like it was going to be a cute little rom-com turns out to be a full blown cry your eyes out romance tale. The casting is very good and so is the plot development but get your tissues ready.

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cliche but couldn't stop watching.

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Episode 10x02
The story of two friends who make a list of 'best friend things' that, as they enter adolescence, one part they cannot fulfill: the rule that says “siblings do not touch each other”.
It is entertaining, I was very funny as I laughed a lot but it is a typical teenage movie. You know how it starts and how it ends.

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I'm an adult but this is a totally watchable teen movie guilty pleasure. The lead actress in engaging and the piece is fast enough to keep me entertained despite the formulaic plot. I would recommend to teens or as a guilty pleasure to certain adults. In don't know if it's watch again but wouldn't mind if it was on either.

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Typical teenage movie. Very cute, I love it.

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Simple, cloned story, wooden acting and not very sophisticated humor - a perfect example of this genre. What to expect more? ;)

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She’s so tiny and short!

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Who was this movie made for??? Every choice is bonkers

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The bad acting in this movie is just ridiculous

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Para quem gosta de romance adolescente, é um bom filme.

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Lee is a selfish person! Why should Shelly be single just because she happens to be in love with his brother? Urgh!

I didn't think I would like this movie because I don't like movies where the teenagers act like adults. However, I live in reality and know that this movie is true to life for today's teenager. I grew up watching Molly Ringwald (nice use of "Don't Forget About Me") and others from the Brat Pack. So I have a different view of teen movies.

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I just can't buy this as coming of age romance. It's more like a frantic race over a cliff. I miss the innocence of falling in love for the first time. The tentative progression of intimacy paced with maturity is now replaced by a mad rush past childhood before it's time. The appearance of romance without the maturity of intimacy. RANT ALERT: I'm so over shows about entitled rich kids with no boundaries or limits. I'm really tired of Hollywood norms setting the lowest possible moral bar for the rest of the teen world. Boredom laced with license! RANT COMPLETED. For all the above reasons this movie failed for me (and I know people will vehemently disagree with me - that is the right of free speech). My personal rating for this movie was a 2 (vacuous) out of 10. [Entitled Teen artifice]

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Shout by Deleted

Unfortunately, I wasn't such a big fan of the actors. But the story has its moments.

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Shout by Deleted

Brother X Sister Romance Story (Probably)

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Shout by Abdullah

Meh, it felt like a Disney movie but it was cute.

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So Elle went from never having kissed somebody to having in sex in what? A couple of weeks? Gonna be honest, that made me cringe a little. And man, the height difference! Seeing them kissing standing up was so awkward. Not to mention that scene where Noah goes to talk with Elle's dad and he's like a head taller. Makes the intimidating dad act fall flat.

I don't know, overall it was an ok movie. Thing is, the story would be flowing along smoothly, and then a scene or a piece of dialogue super cringy would come along and ruin the flow.

It's a very teenaged girl movie and chock full of clichés, but if that's your thing, it might be worth giving it a chance (at least the acting is pretty solid!)

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