Personal Lists featuring...

The Legend of the 7 Golden Vampires 1974


The Hammer's horror cycle began with his film The Curse of Frankenstein (1956), directed by Terence Fisher.


Hammer is synonymous with horror, after defining the genre in Britain with classics such as Dracula, The Curse of Frankenstein and The Mummy, which spawned numerous sequels. However, only 1/3rd of Hammer films were horror! The company tackled other genres, including psychological thrillers, sci-fi, noir and historical epic.


(c/c/p: tvtropes) The vampire. As Sherlock Holmes is to detectives, James Bond is to secret agents, and Superman is to Superheroes, so Dracula is to vampires.
Count Dracula was created by Bram Stoker in his 1897 novel of the same name. He was not the first to introduce vampires into western literature but his Dracula is the first to enter popular culture — the vampire known even by people not familiar with the book, or even the genre.

The character has subsequently appeared across the world in popular culture, from films to animated media to breakfast cereals. But for now we will focus on the first two with this list. Looking through the history of Dracula, Vlad ect on the big and small screen.


Hammer Films' Dracula series.
Starring Christopher Lee as Dracula and Peter Cushing as Van Helsing.



All things about vampires and Count Dracula


The movies that were screened at the New York Asian Film Festival 2014 by



The classic movie monsters, redone by Hammer.


Vincent Price Peter Cushings and Christopher Lee Dracula movies


The "250 key movies" rated and reviewed in the book Action! The Action Movie A-Z (1997) by Marshall Julius.

Author's ratings:
1-14: 5*
15-22: 4.5*
23-51: 4*
52-92: 3.5*
93-140: 3*
141-182: 2.5*
183-211: 2*
212-226: 1.5*
227-244: 1*
245-250: 0.5*

"Vengeful cops and car chases, lunatic villains and martial arts masters, male-bonding, gun fights and super secret agents, swords and sorcerers, wartime Nazi-bashing, boys' own adventures, casual destruction and general death-defiance... this is what we want to see, and if you feel the same way, "Action!" is for you, a fan's guide to the wackiest genre of 'em all, with 250 key movies rated and reviewed" -Introduction


Shaenon K. Garrity's list. One horror movie (plus a few double- and triple-features) for every day of the year. Check the source for sketches and descriptions of each day.


#theme #list_order #complete
