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The Lives of Others 2006

You're funny. Balls don't have names

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This film blends in a tragic love story with the story of a man who is completely dedicated to his job and country. As the story goes along the man (a respected member of the ever-present government) starts to doubt himself and his duty when a superior crosses the line. I know, that's an awful description and that's ok. It's a movie that is tough to describe without saying too much.

All that said..... I adore this film. The moral dilemma of the member of the Stasi was brewing for much of the movie and finally came to a head near the end. I read that the actor (who died shortly after the film was made) was active in the same community of artists that are a big part of the film. After all, artists usually play a large role in change and that certainly happened here. And finally, the ending. Simply magnificent. This is definitely one of my favorite films of all time.

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Superb movie. A little slow at times, but it's definitely worth the watch!

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An important movie, placed in a time so close, in a place so near with a history so scary that every single European should watch.

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"The Lives of Others" is a gripping tale about the stifling control of the East German Stasi over its citizenry. The story follows an East German writer and his actress girlfriend. A Stasi agent bugs their apartment and then spies on them night and day. They are under the constant watch of the Stasi and then some unexpected events occurs. I really don't want to give away any of the twists and turns of the story which moves at a leisurely pace but is totally engrossing. The acting is superb and you can't help but like the citizens and hate the officers of the Stasi. The cinematography is mostly gray and depressing the controlling fist of the East German government clearly dominates its people. I really liked the ending. It was absolutely flawless and was accomplished in a fashion I never expected.

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A horror story with a happy ending. They should show this film in school...just think some sections of humanity would like to go back and live in societies like this, have we learned nothing from history but then again with the listening devices in our TV's, phones and the prominence of cancel culture, the deceit against basic human liberty is less transparent. These bosses are all the same, corrupt and self serving but give me one that leaves me alone to live my life, than one that interferes with my everyday existence because i don't conform to the ideology.

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It's an amazingly touching story which reveals the importance of staying true to yourself no matter how hard it may be. Now there's no doubt that humanity DOES exist.

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The original title of the film is Das Leben der Anderen.

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Interesting from the very start. Haunting to see how things worked in east Germany before the wall fell. The way it’s shot is very… vanilla, but the acting and the story make up for that. It even made up for the fact that I hate the German language. That’s saying something. :wink:

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The cinematography is its weakest element, it looks way too modern for the setting and without remarkable shots. But plotwise a film to be seen, like the similar (but of an opposite genre) Good Bye Lenin!.

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8.2/10 really well made and very good acting!!

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