Shouts about...

The Lodge 2020

I watch most films without checking reviews or trailers; I don’t like my mind to have any preconceived ideas. Nor do I read the synopsis.

Occasionally, I do if I’m with my daughter as she likes to vet her viewing.

I’m extremely pleased I knew nothing of this film, as I had absolutely no clue to where the storyline would go. I of course had some ideas, but it turned out far more sinister than I thought.

I felt this film got so much right and I don’t understand the low ratings.

It was a deep intense psychological horror, which took you there with them with fear and mystery.

Horror is my favourite genre, but I rarely find one I find scary. I enjoy many, but they don’t draw me in as this did, with my heart pounding and so totally involved.

Highly recommended!

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Much better than the average horror flick. I'm glad I knew nothing about it and just let it ride.. by the way F kids lol

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This flick was actually pretty good. Kept me interested throughout. The ending was something to be desired though.

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Remember, kids! The more you fuck around, the more you're gonna find out.

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A genuinely creepy film that will keep you guessing until the end.

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Better than i expected for sure after reading so many comments about dissapointment.It was too slow that's a fact but it was well made with good directing and some great perfomances.If you don't have high expectations probably you are going to enjoy it but be ready for a very slow paced movie. 6.6/10

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Definitely a lesser known movie and unfortunately I was able to guess the plot twist before it happened. Nonetheless, it was very entertaining! You can tell when my friends and I enjoy a movie because we can’t stop making comments and coming up with theories. There was a whole lot of that during this movie. I give it a 7/10. I liked the premise and theres no shortage of plot twists, I was thoroughly entertained, but it felt cheap and a little predictable.

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This was a very quiet and creepy movie. Despite the low ratings I liked it. It was more of a suspense horror than I had anticipated. I’ve seen Riley Keough in other films but this one highlighted that Elvis’ granddaughter isn’t a bad actress at all.;

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Definitely worth the watch...

and am I the only one who was rooting for grace to get the kids? I loved the ending, but wished the dad had survived

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I’d prefer a better ending but other than that this horror was decent and also mind blowing at times and always keeping you thinking deep.

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘The Lodge’:

  1. I gave this film a slightly higher score because of Riley Keough’s performance. I legit felt for her character.

  2. What kills this movie are its high levels of predictability and absurdity. Those awful kids warmed up way too quickly. And none of those scenarios — basically the entire plot — should have ever happened. It becomes sillier the more I think about it.

  3. That was quite an impressive fake obituary.

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another 'good for her'-movie. also, the kids had it coming

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I hate the kids here. The father is also dumb. Like father, like kids indeed.

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This is the kind of slow-paced thriller / horror I like watching. The kids in the film did an amazing job with their acting so hats off to them. The twist towards the end of the film was certainly not expected.

However, I am not satisfied with the ending of the film. It feels like there are many unanswered questions about Grace's past. The film really had enough scenes to cut so that it could make way for her past but for some reason, the producers did not choose to go down that path. Maybe they wanted to leave up to our imagination.

Maybe I am being too harsh but, overall, it gets 6/10 from me. Would I watch it again? I guess so. Would I make my friends watch it? Sure.

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It was a pretty interesting setting but still kind of confused about what was really happening.

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Like the lodge in the title, this film is creepy, uncomfortable and way out there.

I hope the shooting title was The Others in the Lodge because that's what this movie ended up being, though Riley Keough once again nailed her part to the wall. She continues to be one of the best and most underrated actors of her generation.

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A little disappointing for me unfortunately.
I really wanted to like it more, but there was this one plot point/twist that had an effect on the whole movie, that I just didn't like.
For me it made some characters really stupid to the point, where I just thought, that their actions/plans were totally dumb and the outcome therefore completely their own fault. It took away the tension for me unfortunately. (Except for one scene with a gun . That was really well executed, even though you knew how it would turn out.)

Despite that, basically all other aspects are even great. The cinematography and the sound as well as the music are really really good. The film created a dense and thick atmosphere and the actors did a good job, I think.

So it's definetly worth a watch because of the technical aspects, that created a really good subtile tension, but in the end... Ahhh I wish this one plot point was different. ^^

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idk. it kinda felt like they were going somewhere with the movie, then the change the idea, then they had another idea, then they tried something else, and then they say, "ok, last day, let's finish" and that's it.

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An interesting twist but not enough tension or mystery maintained throughout to make it a good horror.

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With a really engaging opening, and the usual hype on social media, I was expecting magic. What I got was dull and slow. I don't mind a slow burn if the pay off is worth it, but this wasn't and I finished disappointed.

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Good performances mixed with a completely predictable and dull story.

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Yeah, like I keep saying.... religion has a lot to answer for. This film has it written all over the walls.... bleak, just like the weather outside.

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All the trappings of the high-brow horror wave but neither scary nor smart enough to make up for the boring parts.

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I hate this movie on so many levels :D Cinematography was ok, atmosphere was... fine at some parts, I guess..But everything else was just meeeh... I can get in to details about that plot twist and why I just hated it, but I wont, not this time... I am a horror fan, but this was not scary at all. 4/10

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A dark film, with obvious cinematographic references, that confuses terror with boredom. The directors get a certain atmosphere of tension, but they repeat thematic ideas from "Goodnight mummy" (2014) and the possible surprise turns into repetition (it is actually a kind of Hollywood remake) . Religion as an oppressive and psychologically devastating element is interesting if they had not remained on the surface.

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Wow, what a bad "Hereditary" wannabe knockoff that was just...well bad. The women behind me summed it up perfectly "what the hell was that? Ok who picked this movie for us to see?"
Jaeden Martell was actually pretty good, but everyone else was beyond bad! The Grace character played by Riley Keough was so so wooden!
Stay far away from this movie, I got the vibe walking out that not a single person enjoyed it, just heard talking about how bad it was.

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there is literally nothing redeeming to recommend this movie, avoid like the plague

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The point must have been to make the bleakest, dankest, most depressing movie possible with the most miserable, unlikable characters conceivable. Tragedy piled on top of tragedy. Even the dog dies.

The kids are super-geniuses who plot an elaborate plan to drive their Dad's girlfriend crazy. The Dad is a completely selfish asshole. He does brilliant things like showing his mentally traumatized girlfriend where he stashes his loaded gun...while he leaves her alone in a lodge...with his vengeful children. Christianity, of course, is an easy target because we all know that everyone that is religious is a stupid, mindless cultist. Such brave filmmakers.

This is a "Heredity" ripoff without the supernatural elements, right down to the dollhouse.

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Riley was good and that’s where it ended the rest of it sucked it never should’ve been made

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I hated those kids so much.

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It's a pretty solid Christmas-themed horror movie that would definitely be fun to watch during the winter holidays.

Riley gave an excellent performance and sold her role as an individual that has gone through hell without showing all the trouble she went through.

The theme of the movie revolves around trauma and mental illness and I thought it was potrayed nicely.

The atmosphere is eerie and done well.

Definitely worth a watch.

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you sit on the edge of your seat the whole way through the film for nothing to ever really happen, could of been great but left very let down at the end

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It was ok.
I like the setting and had some intriguing premises that were not explored at all.
Relied heavily on characters doing things that any normal person would not do, stretching my suspension of disbelief too far.
Worth a watch if you like slow burn phycological 'horror'

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Don't waste your time with this movie
Very slow and boring, the story goes nowhere, everyone were mumbling and one of the worst a actings I've ever seen.

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Pure waste of time
Very boring and slow movie and I don't know why the main character was mumbling all the time.... Booooorrriinnggg

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