Shouts about...

The Machinist 2004

Brilliant thriller. Could get a bigger score of the story was more developed, 15 minutes short in my opinion! Still, great movie, like Memento, kind of movies hard to find but still brilliant to see!

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Shout by shmosby

"I just wanna sleep."

[5 words]

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Christian Bale not only made an incredible physical transformation but also such good actuation. The suspense along the movie was incredible, and although I didn't know what to expect as an ending, it didn't disappoint me.

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Shout by whitsbrain
BlockedParent2022-01-15T16:50:21Z— updated 2022-01-23T15:22:12Z

The first thing you are going to notice is how disgustingly skinny Christian Bale got for his lead role in "The Machinist". The next thing you will notice is how terribly thin Christian Bale was for his role in "The Machinist". And then you'll keep wondering how he got so scrawny and why. Actually the movie is pretty good. It is tough to grasp just why Bale's Trevor Reznick is wasting into nothing and why he is suffering from a year long bout with insomnia. Its kept a mystery and as details unfold about why he can't sleep and won't eat the whole thing feels a bit underexplained. That was basically the problem I had with the movie. I thought the performances were good but Reznick's backstory could have used a little more hashing out.

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An interesting movie that should keep your attention (it did mine) the whole way through. Though I think the ending was a bit of a let down. It wasn't bad, but I feel like it could have been so much more. Christian Bale has to be one of the most insane actors ever to have been able to drop the amount of weight he did. Holy fucking shit was he sickly looking.

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good but not mind blowing. mostly it's a testament to method acting and how actors who employ it as a technique are both incredibly dedicated to their craft and a little unhinged. i liked the score and i enjoyed jennifer jason leigh and christian bale's performances, but otherwise it felt very forced in suspense and style. less like a genuinely unsettling movie with tension mounting, and more like a screenplay that's a little too self-important. that said, it was genuinely enjoyable! and it's a worthwhile watch in terms of something to see on netflix.

my biggest complaint: the intro of the movie, while misleading, still immediately primes you to know the hangman answer. so that's obnoxious.

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I’ve heard about this movie but never watched and thought about giving it a go.

Christian Bale did an excellent job of putting his life on the line for the role and his acting was solid.

The plot however did not feel original and throughout I felt like I was watching a movie that was very much inspired by fight club but with a different storyline. It was very predictable from the get go.

Not a bad film, it had potential but it’s lacking. A very watchable film and definitely a one time watch.

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subtitule in spanish it's very bad. The argument it's interesting.

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incredible, a very good thriller.

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What a perfomance and transfomartion from Christian Bale..This is a must watch blow mind movie with great plot and atmosphere..Not the best but almost great 7.5/10

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I had heard about this movie for a while because Christian Bale famously lost 100 lbs for the role. Yup, 100 fish. He looked like a holocaust survivor. For the longest time I thought this film was just going to be another attempt at Mullholland Drive or something of that ilk. However, the last ten minutes of the film really took a decent movie and made it into a very good movie. I can't remember the last time I saw a film that came together at the end like that.

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Dostoevsky would be proud of this.

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My favorite movie off all time. #Rewatching

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This film builds slowly-- Extremely slowly. But through all of that, The Machinist is a behemoth in film, an account of insanity that allows no answers until the final moments of the film. Unless the methodical pacing so disgusts you as to ruin it, it rewards you with Christian Bale's best acting performance, and one of the best-written films of its decade.

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watchable & perhaps likable but sadly overrated. if not for creative shortcomings, the machinist could be a lot more than what it is: disappointing & largely unimpressive, namely from a lack of suspense.

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That's not how hangman works. 0/10.

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"A little guilt goes a long way..." and Trevor finds this out when people start to appear that only he seems to see. Nothing in his live seems to make sense anymore and he suspects that his work colleges are stalking him! Only in the end he realizes his personality is split and his insomnia caused by a hit & run murder he committed one year ago!

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Muito massa! Assisto pelo menos 1 vez a cada dois anos!!!!!! Assista agora...

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Trippy movie! Had the style of an old Hitchcock film!

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Gotta tell ya, the amount of weight he lost, and how skinny he was during it, was making me cringe.

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Bale's physical transformation was remarkable, and his performance was excellent. The plot was derivative--think Fight Club meets The Sixth Sense--but it was done well enough to keep me engaged.

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Overrated and pretty predictable, but good.

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flavio_x wrote:
Overrated, but watchable. Good end.

I thought exactly the same. The movie isn't bad, but not the best.


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Overrated, but watchable. Good end.

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Movie was okay, lots of suspense. Though I found the ending a bit of an anticlimax.

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