Personal Lists featuring...

The Manchurian Candidate 1962




Best movies of all time according to me


This collection includes Spy films, themes and government intelligence based titles.


Just a big ole list of "hey that looks good" movies


Dive into the intriguing and often hidden world of secret societies, conspiracies, and political intrigue with this meticulously curated collection of films. Spanning various genres, from intense political thrillers to mind-bending mysteries, each film on this list offers a unique window into the complex webs of power, secrecy, and manipulation that lie just beneath the surface of our perceived reality.

These films explore a range of themes, including the clandestine operations of secret organizations, high-stakes political plots, and the blurry lines between truth and deception. Whether it's unraveling the mysteries of ancient, shadowy groups or uncovering modern-day conspiracies that threaten the global order, these movies promise to keep you at the edge of your seat.

From iconic classics to modern masterpieces, each movie is a piece of a larger puzzle, inviting viewers to question what lies behind the curtain of the everyday world. Prepare to embark on a cinematic journey that will challenge your perceptions, spark your curiosity, and entertain you with some of the most compelling stories ever told on the silver screen.


This is a list of all winners of the Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actress in a Movie since 1943.


The Shadow Top 100 contains the titles that have disappeared from the IMDb Top 250 but have been on it longest. These are the titles with the highest recurrence.

Last Update: 2024/04/19

