Shouts about...

The Manor 2021

Hovering between 5 & 6 really. The ending definitely makes up for a somewhat boring and mediocre middle part. It had it's moments and the cast was solid enough. I know it's hard for horror to really get away from the cliches so you have to go into every horror expecting them now but this one just seemed swarming with them. But as I say the twist at the end was solid enough for me to remember it. If it had been a typical horror ending it would have been a lower score for sure. Worth a one time watch at least.

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That's what you get from not listening to and trusting mom.
Before you know it, she belongs to a Celtic circle of witches and lives forever.

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An unpredictable yet oddly believable ending, considering human nature.

On the surface, "The Manor" is a mediocre fantasy story with mostly bland scenes, but it is the fact behind the fiction that holds all the weight here; that undeniable truth which forces anyone who has elderly loved ones, or anyone over the age of 30 to contemplate the reality of growing old and the inevitability of death, as well as the futile hope to cheat it.

The truth behind this fantasy is solidified by the knowledge that at least one cast member has passed on since the film's release. Rest in Peace Ms. Fran Bennett.

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Episode 10x07
Nothing is more terrifying than getting old and losing autonomy and abilities. For the rest, this story contributes little because it starts with a bad base, although it improves as it progresses and, for my taste, it has a very good ending, but it is still just another movie, forgettable in a few days.

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So yes, it will seem totally the cliche thriller horror movie, but honestly isn't every horror/thriller movie pretty cliche? Hershey and the rest of the cast is terrific... At best it was a 6 on the standard cliches with the really good acting for a "horror" flick

Now here's the thing. If you are that horror/thriller person that is looking for the typical horror movie ending, you will be disappointed. If you are looking for the typical American "happy" ending you will be disappointed. If you like a twist, this one is going to get you. That bounced it to a 9 for me. It would've been a 10 but for the little overboard on the cliches.

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was hopeful for this one but it was ultimately pretty boring with a nonsensical conspiracy at the heart of it, and I absolutely hated the ending

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Well, I was not expecting that ending, but who is to say everyone is altruistic?

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Dull horror mystery that plays out like cheesy family drama with super unconvincing acting and awful editing choices. The only good part is when they show Body Bags on tv.

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Blumhouse have had more misses than hits on Amazon Prime but this movie breaks the mold. Hershey is terrific as the resident of the Manor, trying to figure out the mysteries within. Goes to places that I didn’t quite expect and kept me gripped throughout.

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