Shouts about...

The Mean One 2022

"Merry Christmas you green bitch!"

Better than Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey. Judging this purely on cheesy so bad it's good B-movie standards, you'll be very disappointed if you expect anything else. I'd say The Mean One relatively succeeds in the genre.

It's definitely fun; the bar scene, the kills and the third act are a blast. Lots of Easter eggs to compare with The Grinch. It's entertaining; the killer is present throughout and there's always something happening. Some funny moments but it needed more comedy. I'm satisfied with the angle they took with the story, actually. The kills and the gore (although ugly CGI) are decent. The acting is bad but not as bad as what I expected. Cindy Lou goes Laurie Strode and the Grinch acts like Art the Clown (saw afterwards that it's actually the same actor).

A bigger budget would have made this a Christmas horror classic for sure but it was still a decent watch.

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when are they going to release this for streaming

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