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The Menu 2022

Good movie, great cast and well acted. Started off good, got even better as it went on and the suspense / shock started, sadly the ending was a bit limp IMO, it just sort of fizzled out.

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Shout by Shmuckle
BlockedParent2023-02-12T21:50:37Z— updated 2023-03-10T01:19:50Z

Fun movie that doesn't take itself too seriously. Not so much a horror movie as much as it is a black comedy.

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The Menu is a discreet production (producers of little renown, director without much success), which has nevertheless managed to become a great discovery due to two main factors: firstly, the magnificent work of the actors, led by an impeccable Ralph Fiennes, whose performances grab you. And secondly, the fast-paced script that turns this film into a rollercoaster that starts slow and ends in contradictory emotions. You won't know if what you see terrifies you, disgusts you or hooks you, but you won't be able to stop looking at the screen.

In this house we are fans of original scripts, and The Menu is a clear example of this. Forget what you think you're watching and pay attention to the details. Because it will surprise you.

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Shout by Reiko LJ

An experience. Just like his menu. You'll definitely get it if you've had to work in any kind of customer facing role. Great style and execution. Solid 7 film

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I would recommend this to anyone who likes weird films. I agree with a lot of the negative comments here, but in my opinion the complaints aren't enough to rate it lower than 7 because it really was something different and has a lot of good things going for it including the actors, camerawork, and especially the concept.

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An interesting movie. Slightly unbelievable but was at least mildly entertaining. The cast was a decent ensemble and that helped elevate the shore somewhat.

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Let's see how I explain it... it's a weird movie, let's say it's all the bad things about humanity expressed in this film :thinking: I'm not acting for sensitive people!!

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kind of liked it. I don't feel like it broke any new ground in terms of atmospheric horror but it was well done and am interesting setup.

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The story is indeed novel. In recent years, there have been fewer and fewer movies that tell stories well. I can give 8 star for short term. Considering that I'm unlikely to update the score later, I'd better leave a 7.

I’ll recommend to friends for spending their free time.

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What a very, very, very, very ofd film. Eating just won’t be the same…

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Shout by SkinnyFilmBuff
BlockedParent2023-01-10T06:14:45Z— updated 2023-10-05T18:04:58Z

I read the script for this film back in 2019/2020 when it was included on the annual Black List, which documents the favorite unproduced scripts of hundreds of industry executives. At the time, I remember thinking the script was well written and entertaining, but that its absurd premise, specifically toward the finale, went a bit too far for my liking. I'm happy to report that the final film maintains all of positives of the script, while also managing to sell the absurdity thanks to some fantastic performances by the central trio. Ralph Fiennes, Anya Taylor-Joy, and Nicholas Hoult are all brilliant. Beyond that, the film has found ways to add complexity to virtually every character. Skimming through the script now, it's interesting to see how the overall structure is the same, but the details are either different, or missing entirely. While I'd have to do a full read through to be sure, I feel pretty safe in saying that this script benefited heavily from the rewrite process. All in all, a well executed dark comedy that benefits greatly from its writing and cast.

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A painstakingly brilliant take with a pinch of social commentary on fine dining, obsession, class, a mockery on the "skewery & pretentious" so-called foodies, served on a platter with dark humour & some fine ass performances from mainly Ralph Fiennes & Taylor-Joy, THE MENU was a riveting and fast paced watch for me. The whole thought process of the movie with the ending which might not be digestive to everyone else was profoundly well executed. Mark Mylod's directorial, it seemed had a minor hint of "SUCCESSION" popping up here and there, with the eery atmospheric pressure & the music of conducive importance. Simply a fun and fine watch.

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A well done made Movie.

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Interesting movie,with unique plot and something we haven't seen in a while.Although i felt like the end wasn't so good i expected more. 7.3/10

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This film did a good job in keeping me interested, but the finale didn’t land well for me. Still I think it’s worth the viewing for those that haven’t watched it.

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Now I want a cheeseburger!

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Some great tension, some great jokes, an interesting concept. The satire really shined. Ending felt off to me, not because it was bad, just because the Chef was so easy for the main character to manipulate— the power dynamics didn’t really make much sense. If the pov character just gets let go at the end it doesn’t feel satisfying because they didn’t really have to do anything to earn their safety (other than eat a cheeseburger lmao).

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I had higher expectations but at least no cannibalism.

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Based on some of the chef teachers I had, I wouldn’t bet against this being based on a true story some sous chef told over staff meal. They covered all the stereotypical diner types perfectly. The chef, arrogant and tortured in perfect amounts. The staff obedient and competitive to a fault. This is THE quintessential ’successful’ restaurant that every young chef to be wants to work in and then spends years hating and loving every freaking second! Sooooo good.

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“The Menu” is a solid thriller than can appeal to a broad audience. I recommend you not to read this review and avoid the trailers, as they are going to spoil part of the fun.

I liked that the movie’s critique is not unilateral towards the consumers that spend millions in shit just to feel superior to the rest of humanity, but also targets the so-called gurus who sold them pretentious shit dressed up as art. It was also interesting to see the master-slave dialectic inverted in a grotesque manner, with the consumers naturally turned into a blindly submissive attitude towards who are supposed to be their servants from the very beginning of the movie.

Although the black humor gets sharper and sharper as the characters’ situation degenerate, I was expecting a more impactful delivery in the end. It felt like the writers had a strong premise in hand but didn’t know how to turn their characters out of trouble without resorting to the usual considerations about classism.

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Shout by Kiki

We Love You Chef! The mystery of the Menu and its comedic points makes this movie a delightful experience. If you're worried if this movie is too graphic/gory for its horror labeling, a casual movie goer should be able to enjoy it.

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The movie just made me want a cheeseburger.

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Comedy? You mean there's supposed to be humour in this? ... Uh. Okay then. Can't tell where, but whatever.
The acting is solid, although I'm not sure it's enough to carry the movie as a whole on its back. In trying to offer criticism, I think it ends up being just like the thing it criticises: cold, obsessive, and indeed in Margot's very own words: "fancy, deconstructed avant-bullshit". After which we are left hungry, too, because despite all the display, there isn't much substance to it at all.

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That's why I prefer an ordinary kebab or burger than this sophisticated inedible thing. ;)

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sorry did i watch something different then all of here? what was that? i didnt get it. what was this about? its neither funny nor scary and definitely not thrilling. too many questions and no answers. was not my cup of tea.

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With some great acting and a very dark and genius humor, it falls totally apart on the credibility of the secondary characters, specially those that did not know what they were there for and did nothing.

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Started with so much hope, then downward spiraled into sheer madness towards the end. The plot twist were ( yes, there's multiple) mind numbing. As the movie went on, the endless questions it left the viewers asking made for a rather uncomfortable watch.


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It kept me glued to the screen, but with absolute disgust. I wanted to stop this restaurant-version of Alice in Borderlands. Seriously what a f'ed up story. Maybe I should rate this nightmare of a burger joint higher for the amazing acting performances, but... ugh. No. Just dont waste your time on this movie and just order a cheeseburger with fries.

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An "alright" movie with incredible performances.
If this movie was to be rated on Ralph Fiennes performance, it would be an easy 10/10, but i'm not going to do that. I'm going to rate it as a movie, and as a movie the start was overly abrupt, very little is given enough attention, there are very little twists and turns once the main twist that everyone, including the staff, are going to die by the end of the night has been revealed, and there are no emotional beats I can think of at all.

It was an okay movie. But the story was pretty simple, the characters not all that memorable, and if they hadn't managed to get someone as great as Ralph Fiennes as the Chef I dread to think how much lower the score would be.

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In its attempt to comment on the corruption of the wealthy, The Menu just falls on its face. Best served cold.

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Enjoyable, albeit rather pretentious and contrived. If its story centered more on the three main characters, this might've been something truly special.

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A good idea but could be better lead, acting was on point and the atmosphere very acute.

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I get the premise and both leads were acting splendidly. But still, this fetishizing of cooking and snobbish cuisine (the Gordon Ramsey on steroids where somehow a cook is allowed to do pretty much anything) is just .... breaking the suspension of disbelief so much for me.
Trust me I get the point, but it's so far fetched, you have to squint really hard to make it somewhat work.
It's the same problem that the Saw series has - so much Stockholm syndrome it's beyond any suspense of disbelief.
Again the 2 leads performance was amazing, but the rest ....under-cooked or overcooked ... you be the judge. I'd prefer to send this menu back.

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"Wow, 'The Menu' really exceeded my expectations. I never would have thought that watching rich people complain about their food for 90 minutes could be so thrilling. A true cinematic masterpiece."

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Can't help but think Margot's speech towards the chef was the movie commenting on itself. It's an alright film to me, I'm satisfied with just being served a cheeseburger

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Hit a lot of great notes. Some moments felt a bit out of step, but others were pitch perfect. Recommended!

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At least they didn't ask for a tip. :joy:

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This movie suffers from leaning too heavily into comedy when really it would work better as a mystery/thriller. However, the comedy threw off the whole tone of the movie as it was hard to take it seriously and the payoff of the mystery in the end felt really lazy. Anya Taylor-Joy was a bright spot but I could not stand her date Tyler who I thought either gave a really bad performance, or was very poorly written.

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I'm not sure what the movie was trying to do. The art it purported to show was superficial (lazy elitism -> bad, bad -> die, art is weird in nonsensical ways). I didn't get the impression that the movie was mocking itself either, saying that the movie itself should be treated with the same superficiality.
More than that though was the sense I got early on that I wouldn't learn or feel anything from the movie. The characters were stereotypes. The plot was obvious and executed mediocrely.

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A story about egos, aloofness and art appreciation, but somehow it tastes bland. Despite good ingredients, none of the characters leave you wanting more.

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i literally did not get the point of this movie at all

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It's kinda lame of a movie.

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First 70% of the movie is amazing, then the rest came. At first I thought it was a joke, but it wasn’t. The movie was the joke.

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This movie would be a lot better if the chef was vegan and made his guests think they were eating animals, before treating them the way animals are treated.

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Shout by bleppei

Was genuinely expecting cannibalism, was shocked to find out it wasn’t. Also genius to make this his initiation to the new owner

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The characters and plot were too unrealistic to take anything in this movie seriously, but it wasn’t funny enough to be satire. It fell flat in the middle.

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A very interesting and creative concept the writer has come up with here and beautiful casting/acting and scenery. Although designed to be this way, the film was a bit slow and could be boring at times as it’s mostly in one setting. The fascinating concept however of a highest end 5-course restaurant situated on its own island growing all unique foods to perfection then serving it in elegant ways run by the dictator chef is quite intriguing. And the film turns out to be not what you expect and has some unexpected violence.

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This is an "art piece" of a movie, where the limits of a regular world do not apply and the world everything happens in has no rules either.
Where the story, no matter what, is the centerpiece of it all and everything else must bow down to enable the story.
To fully enjoy such movies you have to suspense your disbelief in amounts that I cannot.

Well acted by Fiennes, well shot, but unbelievable throughout.
Too arrogant and pretentious in its criticism about high society, out of touch people or however you want to call it without being self-aware anywhere which would have helped. Characters except Chef Slowik and Margot are stage pieces for the story and nothing more. Stupid all around.

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Too predictable and unbelievable (not possible for me to let go the disbelief) in my opinion... And felt quite similar to Midsommar (the end? lol) .

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kind of trying too hard

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Why this movie has gotten great reviews is a mystery to me. It’s pretentious, boring and has a completely inane plot. It’s the least bit scary, suspenseful or even creepy. A lot of people like it so give it a shot I guess…

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Nearly as stupid as Triangle of sadness

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The only horror aspect of this is that it's horrendously bad.
It has continuity errors like a 1970s B-movie.
Fiennes (who I otherwise adore) drifts seamlessly between a British and American accent and Anya Taylor-Joy goes from a face covered with blood to fresh out of make-up back to a face covered in blood several times in the second half.
A really shallow made-for-streaming production that is instantly forgettable.

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What did I just watch? Definitely not my type of film. Boring and nonsense AF.

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Am I too stupid to get this movie? What was the point? Wouldn’t recommend to others

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Annoying and pointless a waste of time.

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Besides some decent acting and nice visuals the movie was one of the worst I have ever seen. The plot doesn't make any sense and it's extremely boring.
It was weird (not in a good way) and I really hated it.
If you like movies like Vivarium or the platform, you might enjoy this one. If you don't, don't waste your time.

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None sense and pretentious. It wants to be a dark comedy but there is no comedy; it wants to be a social criticism but it is just the same that it criticizes. The story and the character building is weak. Not worth the time.

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Judging from the ratings, this is one of those that you either love or hate, and it was the latter for me. It was so dull that it bored me to the point that my brain started dripping out of my ears. The ending for Margot was pleasant, but that's about it. The movie felt adrift, in an ocean, on a windless day. Hardly will make the mistake of watching this again.

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Calling it now: bet it's cannibalism

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Went straight to Five Guys for a burger after this. :joy:

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Well I'd say they all got roasted huh

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I really love the sense of humor this movie has, dark and playful and it’s a blast to watch unravel. While not the same, it kept reminding me of Ready or Not which I feel hits some higher highs for me.

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Can someone tell me why Anne was condemned too?

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Love Fieness in n these psychopath like roles I with he would do more. Clever and different throughly enjoyed.

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You know when you watch a movie with a great premise but you wanted more than what you were offered?

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Movie is good, absorbing and definitely worth your time but it is either Anya or Zendaya these days. Seeing the same face in every movie kind of feels weird.

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I loved every second of this movie

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Brilliant film and it settles what will be for Dinner the following night.

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A harsh criticism of the overrated world of haute cuisine.

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Weird as fuck, but good

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The Bob's Burgers/Midsommar crossover we didn't know we needed.

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This was a funny fucking movie

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rubbish movie... don't understand the rave reviews

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I don’t know how to describe it. I never knew what was going to happen next, it keeps you on your toes with a decent plot and I think really good performances. I rate my movies with the whole scale, a 3 still being watchable, I give it a 7.5. Pretty good.

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I love a movie that'll have 'reviewers' grasping at straws with so-called alternate endings. Margot lived, simple as that. She didn't fit Slowik's theme.

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It was ok.. wouldn’t watch it agaian.

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Very weird movie. Somehow I understood it.

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An ordinary but high-paced movie that makes you watch without getting bored. Good at making you laugh, I think that's the best part of the piece.

However, the driving force for the team to do all these (except the chef) is absent and characters are tiny bit generic.

Overall was fun to watch.

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rich people need to go to fucking mcdonalds

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