Shouts about...

The New Kids 1985

Weird and dripping with 80s charm, The New Kids is an infuriating ride that builds to some of the most gratifying and therapuetic kills I've seen from a movie of the genre. Seeing Spader and co get picked off one by one in increasingly brutal ways was some top tier schadenfreude; definitely worth sticking out the long, cheesy and almost directionless first half to witness the finale. Go in with expectations low, and you might come out slightly impressed.

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Better than expected revenge movie. Spader is really good. It's a redneck movie but they're not as... inbred? I'm glad they didnt go down that route. The villains are more angered by rejection and can never end the feud. It was never going to be an outstanding movie but it's entertaining.

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Spader plays an excellent wont take no for an answer redneck high school gang leader in this 80s revenge flick filled with way too many montages and also one of the weirdest setups to a movie ever. Santa's fucking Funland!

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