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The Omega Man 1971

Written by Richard Matheson under the title I Am Legend, this was Hollywood’s second rendition of the story. It was more action-packed than the original 1964 The Last Man on Earth starring Vincent Price and really examined the factor of individual isolationism and the mental ravages it could cause.

Col. Robert Neville (Heston) was working on a medical cure against the biological weaponry of an unnamed enemy (presumably the USSR) when his chopper is brought down as he was attempting to begin distribution of the cure. Injecting himself, he becomes the only man immune from the germ warfare. Years later, he is self-tasked with cleaning out the remaining mutated individuals that did not immediately die as they attempt to kill him off; the last remaining individual of a dead age.

If you can look past the rough 1970s special effects, you get an enjoyable popcorn evening of late twentieth-century apocalyptical horror. 7 out of 10.

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"The Omega Man" suffers from a less than ideal score and poor makeup and special effects. The movie starts out strong and relays the isolation of Robert Neville. But the second half is practically incoherent with its dated funky score and the annoyingly cult-like antagonists. From the pancake makeup to the powdered wigs they were entirely disappointing. This movie played like a bad episode of "Night Gallery". It really is an injustice to the novel from which it is based ("I Am Legend" by Richard Matheson).

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Mediocre flic. That score though!

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I liked the last man on Earth parts but everything after the beginning didn't work.

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Charlton Heston is...The Omega Man. In this adaptation of a Richard Matheson novel the world population has been wiped out by chemical warfare, leaving behind a new race of mutants that seek to eradicate the last remnant of humanity; former military scientist Robert Neville. The script is written quite well, and puts a new and interesting spin on the material. And, Heston gives a strong performance that elevates the film. The ‘70s aesthetic can be a bit distracting at times, but it also gives the film a camp and a retro feel that’s kind of fun. The Omega Man is a classic science-fiction film that’s full of action but also explores the social issues of its time.

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Comical at best and entirely boring. Heston as himself. Perhaps a sign of things to come as later on at NRA meetings he was quite good at simply talking to empty chairs and random objects.

The acting is all stiff, the characters all unexplained.

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I would put this closer to deserving Mystery Science Theater 3000 treatment over being a sci-fi classic, but to each his own. I'm not sure if it was budget or general lack of interest, but there are certain aspects of this movie that bothered me. First, in the abandoned day time world of post-apocalyptic L.A., you can see people and an occasional car moving far back in the camera shot that are not part of the movie. Second, in the scenes where Heston is on a motorcycle, there was not even a subtle attempt to hide the stunt man. He looked nothing like Heston, didn't wear a wig, had a different build, and the frame was often tight blatantly showing all this. Lastly, the bullet wounds. Bad for 1971 even, ketchup everywhere. I also hated the ending. No spoiler but that was terrible. The story had great potential and I did enjoy the scenes where Heston was bantering with his chess mate but something was missing. BTW, I have not seen I Am Legend so no comparisons between the two.

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Look folks, this is a piece of science fiction history. It looks terribly dated when you watch it today, but it's the 2nd screen play attempt based on the Richard Matheson book "I Am Legend", the first also worth watching for historical purposes "The Last Man On Earth" with the most wonderful Vincent Price, and the most recent with Will Smith of course, simply named after the book. This is a legendary book which has been capturing audience imaginations for 50 years through 3 remakes!!

If you really want a good sense of how the film industry has evolved over the years, watch all 3 and read the book. By understanding the context each was made in, you can enjoy and learn a lot.

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halfway thru it now hope it'll pick up because boy oh boy its a bit of a snooze. other than the austin powers influencing puffy shirt/jacket combo hahahah that makes this worth it.

saving a rating until end of movie

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