Personal Lists featuring...

The Omega Man 1971


This list is the result of heated debate/scuffles between the frazzled writers of Total Sci-Fi. In addition to settling on the titles themselves, they also had to set the limits of what counts as a 'sci-fi film': they decided that superhero movies were out as that's a distinct genre all of its own, but comedies like Sleeper and Galaxy Quest possess enough genuine science fiction concepts to warrant inclusion, leading to this list of the 100 best Sci-Fi movies of all-time.


From the book by Jennifer Eiss. The list is arranged by chapter. Each chapter starts with a top 10 (in alphabetical order), followed by the "best of the rest" (in alphabetical order).

#1-83: Dramatic Situatons
#84-133: Gripping Tales
#134-165: Lights, Camera…!
#166-228: Visionary Universes
#229-280: Criminal Underworlds
#281-360: Tales of Terror
#361-432: Cult Humor
#433-453: The Wild Wild West
#454-502: Film Lab



Movies and TV shows I've seen the original and the remake.


Sci-fi/horror/B movies from the 60's thru current


dys·to·pi·an; relating to or denoting an imagined state or society where there is great suffering or injustice.

a·poc·a·lyp·tic; describing or prophesying the complete destruction of the world.

post-a·poc·a·lyp·tic; denoting or relating to the time following a nuclear war or other catastrophic event.

Excluding Zombies.. see


Contemporary Stage/Novel-to-Film


Films about the world after everything goes to Hell.


Dystopian Films

by ryanlouisk


Classic Crime, Fantasy, Horror, Mystery, Science Fiction & Thriller Movies

by Deleted

Movies of the late 1920's to 1989.


I Love to Watch Disaster Movies so I am providing this Great List of Disaster Movies for others to get their fill as well.


SyFy Movies

by retrogran


Sci Fi

by Deleted


Source: IMDB
Filter: Votes >= 10000
Order: Votes Descending
Date: 2014-08-23



by goju


A dystopia is a community or society, usually fictional, that is in some important way undesirable or frightening. It is the opposite of a utopia. Such societies appear in many works of fiction, particularly in stories set in a speculative future. Dystopias are often characterized by dehumanization, totalitarian governments, environmental disaster, or other characteristics associated with a cataclysmic decline in society. Elements of dystopias may vary from environmental to political and social issues. Dystopian societies have culminated in a broad series of sub-genres of fiction and are often used to raise awareness of real-world issues regarding society, environment, politics, economics, religion, psychology, spirituality, or technology that, if left unaddressed, could potentially lead to a dystopia-like condition in the future. For this reason, dystopias have taken the form of a multitude of speculations, such as pollution, poverty, societal collapse, political repression, or totalitarianism.
