Shouts about...

The Perfection 2018

Loved this movie. Was a excellent surprise to see something this quality on Netflix

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Congrats to Netflix for this thunderous movie!
What an amazing cast

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Didn't know what to expect going in, a rare horror movie that genuinely leaves you feeling uneasy. A must watch.

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SO GREAT BUT ONE THING... Do not watch the trailer before, which is terrible and almost made me not watch the movie

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Perfect? No, but it is very good. One of the best films I have seen recently, this is both surprising and shocking. The fact that this has so far scored averagely on this site at the time of writing - 53% - is also surprising and shocking. This is a well-crafted film that deserves to be watched, especially by horror fans jaded by predictability.

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Not perfection but still a strong string of gore, dark, twists, plot and cast that all did well in they roles.

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Wasn't the film I thought it was going to be. Glad I didn't know too much about the plot beforehand.

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The movie was pretty confussing. In the beginning I understood everything then, I understood nothing and then I thought I understood everything but it wasn't so. xD
After all I really like the movie even if it is a little bit strange.
I took one star away because it wasn't "horror" enough. It's more like a psycho - thriller.
And the other star I took away is because I was pretty confused while watching this movie.

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A both clever and shocking twist within a twist film. Gruesome tale of obsession, revenge and the capacity for evil. Keeps you guessing for the truth behind the perfection itself until the end.

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This movie is quite good, I was NOT prepared from the cheesy trailer! I wish they had elevated the movie with a few editing choices (please never use the"rewind" effect, so tacky); if they had it would easily be on par with Black Swan. Still, it stands on its own as a unique and effective dark, twisty tale.

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I thought the twists in this movie were well used (at least the first two) and it definitely wasn't what I expected going in. I thought it was going on very different tracks st different times, only to totally swerve and do something totally different. Is it a little basic in its plot? Yes, but not as much as one might think by its low rating. I would absolutely suggest this movie, if only for the journey to the incredible and kind of haunting final scene.

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This was SURPRISINGLY good. Not perfect, but the unexpected twists and turns were great, not to mention the actresses had good chemistry. I enjoyed it.

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I'm glad the trailer only really used key footage from the first 1/3 or so of the movie since there are some storytelling devices and plot points that could have easily been ruined in trailers. There are a couple nice turns that flip things around on you and the mood is always menacing. The only real downside is there are a couple really intense emotional leaps that are made that push whether or not you can keep suspending disbelief. It worked for me...but just barely. All in all one of the better Netflix original films I've seen in a while.

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Great film! Ngl tho my biggest question after watching it is how do you keep a wig on during sex?

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I need more people to know that this movie was "inspired by" The Handmaiden (2016), a far superior film in every way imaginable.

That said, I had a blast watching this mess. I gotta know the choices that were made to justify the awful and pointless wig reveal!!!

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This movie is so hectic.

The ending is pretty cheesy and they didn't explicitly need to say they were raped. I mean it shows the dude walking in naked. Obviously he abused them. lots of twists. Worth the watch for sure.

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I saw the first twist coming. Not, however, the second or third one.

The first 30 to 40 minutes felt a bit long, but part of that might be because the film keeps you very much in the dark about what it will eventually reveal itself to be and it definitely picks up after that. It goes a bit overboard at times, it's definitely not for the squeamish, and I wouldn't call it a masterpiece, but in the end it's a well-crafted, VERY fucked up horror thriller.

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Shout by Deleted

i guess if i hadn't watched the trailer beforehand i'd be actually be surprised by the plot twists in the movie, either way it's a good movie.

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Fun film. It’s fast and clever and creepy. I’m glad I went into it with no ideas. Definitely worth a watch.

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Interesting and fresh, compared to 'Captain Marvel'.

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Shout by Deleted

kinda feels like an alternative universe for the handmaiden, but okay

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Proof that Netflix is capable of producing cinema quality horror when it tries. Like Lizzie, I give this one a hand.

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Please go into this as blind as possible, don't even let the pre-roll advert play on Netflix. The less you know about this movie, the more it will land.

Strange, wild, and a little of the rails, The Perfection is a fun, crazy ride if you can deal with some of it's flaws.

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Very reminiscent of Japanese cult-classic Audition. But with the interesting twist of a collaboration.

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Not a bad movie. There are three twists in the movie. The first does not count because it is obvious. And you are already expecting the last twist because of the second one. It is okay, but nothing too good. The typical Netflix fare, if you will have it, to watch on the weekend, and you won't miss a lot even if you nod off and miss a few minutes here and there.

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Not bad... But something is not enought

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1 / 2 directing & technical aspect
1 / 1 story
1 / 1 act I
1 / 1 act II
.5 / 1 act III
1 / 1 acting
.5 / 1 writing
0 / 1 originality
0 / 1 stays with you

0 / 1 misc

6 out of 10

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This is one messed up film. It takes twists and turns I can't even explain. You will have to see. It's wild with a finale 10 minutes that is bananas. Allison Williams is a breakout in this. I hope she gets bigger film because of this. But I would be happy to see her in anything after this or everything. This is one film that must be seen if you are a fan of genre, twist thrillers, horror or all three.

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The first act was pretty messed up and the rest of the movie never lived up to it. It took some turns I didn't see coming. Allison Williams is great.

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The tone at the beginning was great. The tone in the middle was solid, and the two major plot points were fantastic. And yet... the movie just kinda wanders into this abstract artistic tone at the end that just kind of flopped for me. It's got some great content but as a whole it just didnt work for me, and the failed potential breaks my heart.

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Shout by Geon Dp

Great example of revenge horror! top notch

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it could be good, it has the idea but fails so many times, I would not recommend this movie, even if you love thriller, horror movies, this movie it's just basic.

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Shout by moonkodi

Thought it was worth a watch because it was so stupid. Why do the hand thing when Charlotte could have just talked about the academy? And what kind of rescue from trauma or abuse is the hand act? How did she know she'd even live after? The twists seems to be the main focus of interest above any logic. if you ever find yourself in a child abuse cult it's probably best to go to the police. What's the deal with the end scene? lol This movie gets more ridiculous as it goes on. it's like adults wrote the first part and it ended up with edgy kids taking over.

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Too unlikely and many tricks in the script make you lose interest in the movie

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If you love clichés and enjoy a cheesy storyline, by all means go and watch it. But to say it is the best horror movie ever? Or to scream on social media it made you sick and puke? As far as a horror goes, this really sucks monkey balls. It is slightly better than Cabin in the woods and that was actually intended to be a horror comedy. The perfection starts out narratively fine, but the plot twists are done in such a bad way it losses all strength in doing so. And... the rewind trick? Really? Why not throw in a cliché clock wipe or can we please also add some flashes to white and back to get ourselves out of the corner we narrated ourselves in?

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I hated this movie from the cliche lesbian relationship to the lame bugs to the completely uneven sound control done on the movie editing room. Normal dialog is far too quiet, then screaming is suddenly so loud you could hear it 5 blocks away. Not really "horror" it's more of a gross-out movie. Produced by the people in Hollywood who use rape to groom female actors and then pretend that all men are guilty of rape when this behavior is prevalent among Hollywood and political elitists.

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That was an amazing movie. Who wrote this shit? I want to look at their brain.

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