2/ 2 directing & technical aspect
.5 / 1 story
1 / 1 act I
.5 / 1 act II
1 / 1 act III
.5 / 1 acting
1 / 1 writing
.5 / 1 originality
0 / 1 lasting ability to make you think

0 / 0 misc

7 / 10

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Carl Laemmle brings Gaston Leroux horror-thriller to the big screen in the classic silent film The Phantom of the Opera. The story follows a Parris opera house that’s being terrorized by a fiend who threatens the new owners with deadly and disastrous consequences should they not meet his demands; meanwhile aspiring singer Christine Daae is secretly tutored by the mysterious Angel of Music, who promise to make her a star. Lon Chaney gives an iconic performance, and really transforms himself with an incredible makeup job. Additionally, the plot is remarkably faithful to the novel; save the ending. And the costumes and sets are quite impressive. It can be a bit meandering at times, but The Phantom of the Opera holds up remarkably well and deserves its place in the pantheon of Universal Monsters films.

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I didn't really vibe with this one. im not into black and white films often and silent films arent my thing. pretty much only here for the pretty much it track

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It’s tough, because I’ve never found any of the Phantom adaptations I’ve seen particularly compelling. While the Webber musical has some great individual songs I think the overall musical is plodding–ditto the Schumacher film version starring Emmy Rossum. This silent version, starring Lon Chaney, apparently hews closer to Leroux’s original novel: so much so that the use of intertitles as a method of conveying exposition really swallows the film. It’s just SO much. The film does a good job of creating a creepy atmosphere through its production design, but ultimately it feels like one long setup to get to the iconic unmasking scene. Having seen the image for years, its shock value was diminished and the rest of the movie felt a little pointless.

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