Shouts about...

The Raid 2012

This remains one of the best martial arts brawling kinos out there, the sequel is also worth a view albeit i prefer the first one.

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It's no wonder I hate all these superhero movies lol; THIS is what I grew up on. My dad would always show me martial arts films but my brother buying this DVD for me when I was 10 was a MAJOR turning point.

I fucking adore how grimey and run-down the building is in this. Can't remember the last time I watched a movie where the set decoration was as part of its film's identity as this.

"Squeezing a trigger is like ordering takeout."

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Shout by 020202

the whole setting was just right, and it had some really good fighting scenes & choreo, Rama was great, but also, Mad Dog can FIGHT.

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I feel like 8 is harsh because the choreography in this movie is so good. Much better than the famed John Wick. However, the pacing is off. I honestly wouldn't mind if the movie was even shorter because the third act drags.

Mad Dog is an amazing villain.

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In 2011, "The Raid" was released, an action film that simply blew me away the first time I watched it. This is mainly due to the spectacular fight sequences, which are strung together in the framework of a video game-like plot. At its core, main character Rama (Iko Uwais) has to fight his way up from the ground floor of a high-rise building. It's all straightforward and fuss-free; don't expect complex twists and turns. However, director Gareth Evans clearly knew what kind of film he wanted to make. As a result, the stunt choreography in the movie is extremely creative. And lead actor Uwais is also an important reason for the success. The fact that he is a badass martial artist is clear. But, in my opinion, he also brings a certain charisma that distinguishes him from the competition. All in all, "The Raid" is a not very complex but thoroughly entertaining action film.

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Flawless action choreography, badass martial arts fights, brutal bloody kills, guns going berzerk, unhinged villains, simple plot, the classic action music... The Raid is the action flick that's got it all. I love the camera angles, they're always showing the right stuff especially during the fight sequences you can always see everything that's happening from the perfect angles. If I had to criticise it on something it would be the characters, they're a bit one-dimensional and the story is very simple. I can't say i've seen that many martial arts fights in movies before but these are hands down the best i've ever seen they're so intense and epic I got goosebumps in the final fight, so damn epic! These fight sequences are what sets it apart from any other action movie i've seen before. A must-watch for every action and martial arts lover.

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Just shooting and fighting all the way through. No story at all. Boring!

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Tight and claustrophobic, with brilliantly choreographed action scenes, and no story to speak of. Yup…that works for me.

The Raid is one long and exhaustive action scene, and even though it gets a bit repetitive, it's one of the better pure action movies made in the last couple of decades. Recommended!!!

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Serbuan Maut
Serbuan Maut (2011) (The Raid; The Raid Redemption)
Serbuan Maut 2 (2014) (The Raid 2; The Raid 2 Berandal)

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"Our mission is simple: we go in, and we take him out. "

They managed to do a relentless, quick-paced and beautiful film without the insane action or brutal violence seeming too gratuitous. The choreography is incredible and while the story is pretty simple, it kept me on the edge of my seat til the end.

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I rewatched this after Black Window to forget the horrible fight choreography (or whatever that was) in that movie.

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Holy shit, this movie is like Daredevil, Warrior(Warrior has Joe Taslim who played Sgt. Jaka here!), Banshee, Gangs of London, all on fucking steroids!! Absolutely insane action movie. Definitely one of the best I've watched! I highly recommend watching it if you like action movies.

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You know, I think if you love martial arts, most of us can agree that Iko Uwais is extremely underrated! This man has skills! His fighting style and abilities are phenomenal. He's among one of my few favorites male martial arts performers, next to Donnie Yen, Jet Lee, and Bruce Lee. If it were not for the incredibly poor audio English translations, I would have given this movie a higher rating. However, this is a movie worth watching! #ActionMovies #AsianActionMovies

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The fight scenes were decent and there were some good, creative spots but it got super repetitive quickly.

A decent grind with action through out.

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I love movies with Iko Uwais. The fight scenes are awesome!

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This was really good. The plot is really only there to give people an excuse to fight but fight they do and its brutal with about every way you can think of to kill someone with a pistol or a knife at play. Very stylish martial arts action the whole way through and an exciting ride.

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30 floors of absolute hell and pure martial arts, nothing else. I loved it, and creative fighting scenes

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some scenes dont make sense , for example:

1: the cop removed his bullet proof vest in the middle of the fight.
2: the cop stabbed a light tube into the neck of the bad guy. Impossible !!

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Dredd's new movie seems to be based on this, a lot of action, fights and shots, without filters or cuts

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Hyper violent action/martial arts movie. Very little plot, but has some incredible fight scenes. If you want an all-action, smack down of a flick, this would be up your alley.

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Best action movie of the decade?

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The Raid

This is a fantastic action movie, with almost perfect choreography and camera work that creates a sense of claustrophobic tension.
The plot is simple and that is what this film needs. Essentially a believable reason to be in this situation.


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this appritiat the Best action movie in your last pick

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Shout by Deleted

Just the best martial arts movie I've ever seen.

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This is a good stupid action movie. It's very stupid and very action. That's all you need to know about it.

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Thought I’d give Gareth Evans’ Indonesian martial arts hit another watch. What a crazy thrill-ride this is; end-to-end action.

Last time I found the end to drag a little and my opinion hasn’t really changed. However, what’s surprising is just how fresh and original The Raid feels even on second viewing. Even when you know what’s coming, this is a well-executed and tense piece of work.

Evans is a little transparent when he tries to introduce some stakes to the story, but anything resembling cruft quickly takes a back seat to what a is a truly awesome series of action scenes.

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Shout by Olly

I haven't had this much fun with an action movie since John Woo's Hard Boiled. Amazing fight sequences and a high body count that doesn't let up from start to finish. What more do you want from an action film?

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really proud that Asian can do this action flick.hope can make more greatest than this.

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Simple plot, brutal action sequences, stylised choreographed fights. What more could you want ? The initial part of the film is tense and exciting and the action sequences are all beautifully choreographed and edited. That being said, the film does being to suffer a little in the final part as fatigue over the relentless action begins to set in. The director seems to realise this as the film is quite short but including some twists into a plot which was barely there in the first place seems superfluous and a little forced. Still entertaining though, but lets hope the sequel just doesn't repeat the formula.

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Lol, its so close to DRED, but its not fantasy movie, I liked it, its really close to be like game adoptation :)

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The choreography for the fight scenes were amazing and the story is good enough for this movie to be worth a watch, especially if you're into action/martial arts movies!

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For Material-Arts-Fans OK! The story ist boring...

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I go with the same:
- Storyline: 2 Martial Arts: 9

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I feel like the new Dredd movie ripped off this story..

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Shout by Deleted


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the building is kinda like The Carter in the New Jack City

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Shout by McLambo

Storyline: 2 Martial Arts: 9

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quite possibly the best martial arts movie ive ever seen

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Shout by Deleted

Its a rough one.. Not for the weak ;-)

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Awesome movie, best Martial Arts flic I have seen since ong bak. Well worth watching for the fights and sound alone.

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many and very long fighting scenes.. So much that it really started getting boring.

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Shout by ketu

an action movie with a lot of fighting but it was really boring.

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If you seen Donnie Yen films, then you will definately like this. The Raid is an Indonesian film with no name international actors in it, but this guys can fight. From gun action to hard hitting hardcore martial arts, this film has a lot of action to take your attention away from the very simple storyline. There is no acting here, but the action is enough to really grab your attention. Definately recommended for martial arts and action fans..

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One of the best action flicks I've seen in a while.

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