Personal Lists featuring...

The Regeneration 1915


A Personal Journey with Martin Scorsese Through American Movies is a documentary film of 225 minutes in length, presented by Martin Scorsese and produced by the British Film Institute.
In the film Martin Scorsese examines a selection of his favorite American films grouped according to three different types of directors: the director as an illusionist: D.W. Griffith or F. W. Murnau, who created new editing techniques among other innovations that made the appearance of sound and color possible later on, the director as a smuggler - filmmakers such as Douglas Sirk, Samuel Fuller, and Vincente Minnelli, who used to hide subversive messages in their films and the director as an iconoclast, those filmmakers attacking social conventionalism — Charles Chaplin, Erich von Stroheim, Orson Welles, Elia Kazan, Nicholas Ray, Stanley Kubrick, Arthur Penn, and Sam Peckinpah."

The list includes the films mentioned in order of appearance. The documentary can be found here



The top 300 best silent era films are based on the votes on the website. The list is not limited to features exclusively. True silent films (like City Lights) not made in the default silent cinema timeline (1891-1929) are also accepted. Films receiving votes must still exist somewhere and in some viewable form. We limit the list to films that were produced to be silent films exclusively (synchronized music tracks are acceptable, but part-talkies and talkies that have only survived as silents are out).



The National Film Registry is the United States National Film Preservation Board's selection of films for preservation in the Library of Congress. The Board was established in 1988. Each year, 25 "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant films" are preserved, to increase awareness for its preservation. To be eligible for inclusion, a film must be at least ten years old but it is not required to be feature-length, nor is it required to have been theatrically released.



All movies in the 101 Gangster Movies You Must See Before You Die top list are listed below. What are you waiting for, go check those movies!



101 Gangster Movies You Must See Before You Die


From one of the world's most acclaimed directors comes an absorbing and informative look at the evolution of American film and how the medium both shaped Scorsese's own artistic vision and influenced the whole of American culture. Hundreds of film stills, many in color, plus dialogue, quotations, and other sources add to and illustrate each chapter's overriding theme.

List is of all works with cited clips, in order of first appearance.
Part 1: 1-40
Part 2: 41-74
Part 3: 75-99


Movies released before 1930 to watch


A list of the films added to the National Film Registry. (Updated 11/1/23)
