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The Seeding 2024

A completely helpless guy continuously makes the worst decision in every single scenario. Frustrating to watch, but the vibe was great.

Anyway if this was going on for generations, where are all the adults? He could put out his whole arms in the cage, so why didn't he snatch the woman? What kind of sane human would just climb that crazy rope ladder into a ominous pit? He followed that kid for a whole day, really? She gave him non stop clues and he's just like haha anyway weird... I have a lot of questions, but I don't think the film makers cared enough to make sense of it, so I won't either.

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Extremely dense and agonizing, it combines a disturbing story with a stunning desert ambience.
The movie develops in an unpredictable way, always keeping the atmosphere anxious and dark. The performances are excellent, making everything more realistic, more terrifying. An incredible movie.

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Weird, unpleasant and frustrating but also magnetising?! One thing is for sure, I was glued to the screen the whole runtime. It's a solid mystery premise that I was invested in within the first 10 minutes i'd say. Once you're past the second act though, you realize this is the type of movie that doesn't give you all the answers and ends up being one big metaphor—and it is! The feeling of being trapped is so intense and claustrophobic it'll make your eczema flare up. Beautiful landscapes and set location, it's actually the most memorable thing about this. Well shot and great acting from our two leads. Loved whenever the creepy children were involved and I wish we got more of them. Made me think of The Hills Have Eyes and Children of the Corn.

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