Shout by ralucaDirector

Still my favourite movie. Excellent.

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What a banger ! Loved it. Some moment were really strong. And the pace is perfect. I understand why it is so praised.

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Long as hell, but actually worth it

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"I hope."

Oh, you've gone and done it again,Darabont. You've unzipped me!

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The Shawshank Redemption is a beautiful movie which I highly recommend you all to watch, from the beginning to the end I was hooked. All actors gave 100% in this and the directing was incredible. If you haven't watched this yet, do it!! 10/10

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Felt like watching this again

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i can see why imdb has rated this as one of the best movies of all time

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:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: - Shawshank encompasses friendships, hardships, hopes, and dreams. A wonderful story superbly presented by an awesome cast. Masterpiece

My rating system works:
10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:heart:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:heart: - Bull Shit.

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Absolutely one of my favorite movies! Such a complete classic! Definitely worth a watch.... or 10!

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If I hadn't been told by so many people this was a terrific film, I woud probably have rated it higher than I did. Very good, certainly, but for whatever reason it didn't strike me as the classic I expected when I finally got around to seeing it.

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Shout by Cindy567
BlockedParent2023-04-30T00:06:50Z— updated 2023-06-03T18:09:07Z

Great performances
Slow pace at times
Good ending

Characters 10
Story 9
Pacing 6.5
Visuals 8
Rewatchability Factor 7
Enjoyment or Emotional Value 9
Average Score 8.25

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Perhaps the biggest gap in my personal Shame List is now closed: I finally got around to watching "The Shawshank Redemption" and, what a surprise, I'm thoroughly impressed. This type of film is simply made far too infrequently nowadays. It is a rather unspectacular, yet at no moment boring, prison epic. Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman are incredibly good in the lead roles, but the rest of the cast is also consistently convincing. The plot, on the other hand, is by no means unpredictable, but that doesn't matter much. After all, what happens is exactly what you want to see. Only the ending is perhaps a bit too mushy. But, to be honest, it seems appropriate for a film about a lifelong friendship.

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The Shawshank Redemption is, in my opinion, one of the greatest movies of all time. The film's themes of hope, redemption, and the human spirit are both touching and inspiring. Each character is well thought out and has a unique personality that meshes seamlessly with the story. The film's plot is engrossing and keeps you hooked until the very end with excellent performances by Robbins and Freeman. A true masterpiece that deserves all the praise it has received and is a must-watch.

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Always tried to avoid watching this movie since it's often considered as one of the best movies of all time. This usually results in disappointment. Not this movie though. It's a 9/10. Some characters are perhaps a bit too cartoon-ish (like the warden and some of the guards), the story is perhaps too positive (although horrible things happen) and the end is perhaps too kitschy but it's also very uplifting at the same time. I enjoyed almost every minute of it. Awesome histrionic performance. I know that there are profound philosophical and religious undertones (I'm not really interested in the latter) and that's why you can probably watch this movie multiple times to decipher its meaning. It's awesome that such a movie was made: it doesn't need a lot of action. It doesn't need t&a. It doesn't need dozens of locations. It never tries to produce crazy memes like -let's say - a Tarantino movie.

PS: is that a realistic depiction of a US prison of that era? That's of course not the point. I know that. This is not a documentary. I still wonder though. In any case, it makes an intriguing location.

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This movie is full of mysterious characters. A very mild drama film with good atmosphere and characterization.One of the key and enduring sequences of the film is the sequence of Andy playing the sound of Italian music throughout the prison complex, which beautifully injects passion and hope into the souls of the prisoners and the pleasant sound of salvation played in the atmosphere.
In general, I expected more from this movie, this movie was not what I wanted!

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This is one of just a small handful of movies that, when you watch it for the first time, can change your perspective on film as a storytelling medium. It's just that good - nearly flawless in every way. The writing is downright brilliant, portraying themes of hope, determination, friendship, and justice, to name just a few. The cast is phenomenal, and the raw humanity behind the performances, especially Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman some of the best you will ever see in any film. All accompanied by a stunning score by Thomas Newman.

Starting right from the beginning of the film to the very end, Frank Darabont manages to turn the audience's view of Shawshank Prison from a bastion of violence, tyranny, suffering, and despair into that of a home, where those inside feel welcome and alive. That's what the prison came to be for those who chose hope in the midst of their situation.

If you haven't seen this film, you owe it to yourself to watch it. It's beautiful, it's emotional and it's human - and we all could surely benefit from more of that.

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even after nearly 3 decades its still an awsome film.

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The best storytelling in a movie ever, to me. Amazing.

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Essentially a masterpiece. Movies don't get better than this.

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It’s good but way overhyped

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It is a magnificent prison film.

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The classics I revisited a long time ago are still so wonderful now. Hope is good thing.

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Few movies ever made are this excellent all around. The acting is stellar. The plot superb. I don't like Tim Robbins in general, but I watch this just about every year because it's such an excellent movie. I don't think Robbins does as good as a job as some of the other actors, and could have been recast, but he still does a very good job. This sits at #1 or #2 in my top ten movies of all time.

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“Get busy living or get busy dying.”

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The grate :movie_camera: movie :popcorn: off all time favorite

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I’m genuinely not sure why this movie took me so long to watch. I knew it was great. It’s one of my best friend’s favorite movies. Hell, I’ve BEEN TO Shawshank. Yet, here I am, finally getting around to it only because it was in my Movie Club. This movie is simply fantastic. It’s a compelling story with Morgan Freeman as the narrator, that is shot in a wonderful way. Everyone should see this movie, because even if you don’t love it, you will respect it.

Rating: 4.5/5 - 9/10 - Very Highly Recommend

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"This is the part I really like, when she does that shit with her hair."

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Great movie and another one of my favorites.

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I beleive if this was not #1 film on IMDB then people would rate it

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An ordinary 90s American drama, based on a rather weak short story by Stephen King. The kind of film, among many, that seemed to be made to be shown over and over on TV for families. The movie works, but it is not exceptional in any aspects.

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90 | Prison is a tough place to live. Many people lost their hope there, but they're always a few people who keep their hope. The choice is simple, get busy living or get busy dying. The Shawshank Redemption tells a beautiful story of friendship between the most hated type of people, criminals. With Morgan Freeman narrating the story we want to listen more to his story as Red. This film could change our perspective on humans in general. What really is make humans bad people? If humans did bad things, do they deserve a second chance? We all have sins that's what made us human. We think prison is the best way to rehabilitate those who go too far but is that would make them a better person or worse person instead.


Rating: 89.15


25%: 2.4
50%: 2.8
75%: 2.5
100%: 2.8

Favorite Characters

  1. Ellis Boyd 'Red' Redding: 2.8
  2. Andy Dufresne: 2.6
  3. Brooks Hatlen: 2.6
  4. Warden Samuel Norton: 2.4
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This story is a testament to the power of hope, character and friendship. A great story and great performances. The casual cruelty of the justice and penal system is exposed and, the film pulls off some worthy twists and turns. A film that truly deserves its place in the hearts of film lovers everywhere.

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I don't want to like this as much as I do. I don't want it to be the Top Ranked movie on IMDB. It's too mainstream, too Forrest Gump-y for that. But deep down, I know I love it. It's not my favorite movie but it's so enjoyable and so positively warm and fuzzy that by the end, I have to rate it really high. It also has some twists that I enjoyed the first time and like looking for whenever I happen to see it.

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That means Red awkwardly walked half a mile down beach towards Andy without saying anything, and Andy who was able to detect guards coming for 19 years while digging a hole didn’t notice reds 20 minute walk lol

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One of the best prison movies I have ever seen

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A timeless film, hollywood hasn't really topped themselves since this movie. also haha morgan freeman murderer go brrrrrrr

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absolute masterpiece. a must watch recommendation for me.

Warning: some TikTok user might not like this

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This is the second time I’ve tried to watch this movie and stopped half way through. The first time was a couple of years ago. It’s slow and uninteresting. There. I said it. :smiling_imp:

I saw a few comments here about how awesome the last 40 minutes is. Well, I wouldn't know. Never made it that far, on both occasions. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Forrest Gump is a much better movie... IMHO.

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If you never watched this movie, you might find it highest movie rated on imdb, watch it on Blu-ray, the best movie I ever watched.

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The glory of human nature shines brightly.

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one of the best movies of all time

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A movie which lets you seriously wonder if the right persons are in jail or the wrong running free, as well as some Christian's hypocrisy - people claiming to hold their beliefs and values high but being monsters in a disguise.

At the same time, two convicted murderers are standing out on moral grounds, and I can only recommend this movie to all who think a murderer is not a human anymore, and cannot change. I am personally of the firm belief and practically enough so that people should be supported in becoming better humans, and that strict punishment will hold way worse results for society as a whole.

Rating: 10/10

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My favorite film of all time. Hope!

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very good movie, especially the last 40 minutes.

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wow, now this movie is a classic for a reason. it was just a very poignant story that was well written and featured an amazing cast if actors. I tend to avoid classics for fear of not liking them as much as I feel like I should but this is truly worthy of its hype of praise.

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After ten years, I watched this movie again. I wanted to see whether my thoughts will change or not, because ten years ago I did not understand why this movie is at the top. Still, I think it should not be even in top 50 movies, because nothing is special. Years are passing just like a moment, I could not feel his pain or hope. In one scene, he wants something than bum it is happening. Again, for one scene his situation is so bad, than guess what happens? After just 30 seconds, he is good. So you never go top or down during this movie. My suggestion is it is better to watch this movie without the number 1 expectations.

The best coutes:
“I have to remind myself that some birds aren’t meant to be caged.” — Red
“Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.” — Andy Dufresne
“Get busy living or get busy dying.” — Andy Dufresne​

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All that matters, "Remember Red, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies."

So many meanings behind this movie, a comment can't simply get you through all of it. Watch the movie till the very end.

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The narration of Freeman and Robbins made it even more inspiring.

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Watched that one a couple of times allready over the years. It simply gets better each time. Simply epic. 10/10 on all levels.

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Gotta love this flick makes you all warm &cudelley inside one of Hollywood's BEST EVER

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Was this movie supposed to be good :sob::sob::sob:

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This is simply the best film ever made. It just goes to show that you don't need mutli-million pound special effects, and a number one theme tune to make a good film.

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One of my all- time favorites. The story is spectacular and acting as well.

(10 out of 10)

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Based on a novella by Stephen King, The Shawshank Redemption is a harrowing tale about the triumph of the human spirit. The story follows a banker named Andy Duphrane who’s wrongfully convicted of killing his wife and her lover, and is sent to the Shawshank maximum security prison where he befriends another inmate named Red. Starring Tim Robbins, Morgan Freeman, John Sandler, and Clancy Brown, the film has an impressive cast that gives good performances. Additionally, screenwriter/director Frank Darabont does an excellent job at developing the characters and relationships; making the audience care about them and their plight. The set and costume designs too, are especially well-done; capturing the time-period and giving the prison a real, lived-in feel. Also, the score by Thomas Newman is emotionally evocative and has a soulfulness to it that heightens the material. The Shawshank Redemption is a remarkably compelling film with a powerful message.

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It makes a pretty good critique of the U.S. prison system and doesn't seem idyllic at all. Cinema with foundation.

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Great film!! The story is very beautiful, original and also touchy, but sometimes scenes are boring and repetitive and perhaps they could be cut. The famous monolog by Morgan Freeman surely represents the high-point.

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I have watched it more than I can count. Find it hard to step away from throughout. Freeman and Robbins are a good match. A cast that were meant to be together. Great all around movie to see I believe. Long, however it is not a boring story and is written very well to keep you wanting more. A good watch.

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Best Movie ever.
Perfectly written, casted , acted and executed.

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I'm surprised at the genius of the movie. The way it treats the friendship of a little group of men in prison, especially between Andy and Red. The stages of each characters at the screen is fantastic.

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Absolutely masterful adaptation of Stephen King's novella. I've been in love with its use of symbolism and irony since I first watched it. The themes of Christ, redemption, friendship, hope, freedom, and the id are spellbinding and will move you from start to finish. The human condition is revealed in grotesque, magnificent, and unexpected ways that leave you inspired and reflective. No scene is misplaced or superfluous. No character is left underdeveloped. Excellent performances from Robbins and Freeman. How it didn't get 100% is beyond me. "get busy living, or get busy dying." Watch this movie and get living.

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Was a great movie with a important message about the friendship

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Let's be honest: The Shawshank Redemption is a good film made from a great story. Seriously, it would be hard work to make a bad movie from so strong a story.

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I can't remember the last time I saw this all the way through. It's the perfect movie to watch while on tv. Anyway it's very good. It may get some shit but it's one of the best. The story, performances and cinematography are all great. A beautiful movie about friendship.

"Get busy living, or get busy dying."

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A must watch! That's all I can say.

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Shout by Deleted

I wish that there was a higher rating than 10! I have seen this movie over and over and I my interest never tires!

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Awesome, enjoyed it very much.

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Classic! A must watch for any moviegoer.

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This movie reminds me why i have chosen to dedicate my life to the art of film.

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For sure one of the best movies ever! 9/10 last 45 minutes are just wow!!

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Just Finished This Great Movie Last Night.. I'm Speechless What a great Cast... Great Pace Loved every single minute of this masterpiece.. Great Theme Great Message A Perfect Ten For a Flawless Film

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Shout by Deleted

NO hay palabras para hablar de ella. Le hace justicia a la novela corta de Stephen King y la convierte en un clásico del cine de todos los tiempos.

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The most amazing movie I have ever watched. I feel very special that I get to watch this movie.

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Shout by Deleted

Yes it is a good day today and I will have to go to the heart now

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Shout by Deleted

The last 40 minutes are perfect.

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The casting was perfect in this I doubt the movie would have worked as well or been half as good without Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman.

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Love this movie, so good so emotional.

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It truly was a Shawshank redemption

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Shout by Deleted

Esta es una de mis pocas peliculas favoritas. simplemente hermosa, siempre la recomiendo.

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This the best movie ever!!!!

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Shout by Deleted

An absolute masterpiece of a film. Certainly, by now, a classic. Its really, ultimately, about man's will to live. Highly recommend.

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What a brilliant movie.. I always like to watch it.

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Shout by Deleted

A brilliantly executed movie with great acting and a great plot.

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Merlin and God are kept in check by the Kurgan

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I've never seen this movie before, so I was curious what is its special feautre why it made the No. 1 on IMDb 250? Now, I don't have the answer, it's a good film with very strong scenes, but that's all. My favourite was, when it showed the difficultyof going back to the society with many prison years, and some former immates cannot handle the weight of freedom and move on. Furthermore it shouldn't be a surprise, what he does nowadays, it still is, but Morgan Freeman's performance was so amazing, especially in the epilogue. And the warden! A real two-faced character, whose apperance made him a gentle man, but his actions showed otherwise. My biggest concern was that I found Shawshank Redemption too long, in the middle and right before the escape were some gaps, fortunately it finished with a moving, however not a cheesy happy ending.

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Shout by Deleted

one of the best movie i have ever watched

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this one of the best. wwwwwooooooohoooooo. napakaganda!

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For such a simple story the re-watchability factor here is very high. Darabont’s powerful message on the value of freedom and the importance of kindness against all odds just doesn’t get old.

Shawshank strikes a balance between light-hearted and heart-breaking. It’s devastating at times but the overall message and tone is so uplifting you just keep coming back for more.

Happy New Year readers

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Shout by Deleted

I'm in love with this movie you're everyone should watch this movie its an i can't describe in word how much good this movie is

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Shout by Deleted

Reading the Synopses: Kind of reminds me of the O.J Simpson case. #ShiftvW8

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One of the best movie I have watched.

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The Shawshank Redemption delivers much-needed breath of fresh air for anyone who realizes the capability of film. It proves that masters of the craft still live on this earth, and still bless us with timeless masterpieces that we will never forget.

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That moment all the inmates are standing in the yard looking up as the music - naughty Andy - soars from the speakers makes my heart soar each and every time. Wonderful movie, capable of lifting even the darkest heart.
Based on the Stephen King novella: Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption. A mighty piece of work itself.

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One of the best movies i have ever seen, really moved me.
The story is great and the actors are amazing.

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Beautiful. One of the greatest things I have ever watched.

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Shout by Deleted

One of the greatest! The movie defines friendship and brotherhood.

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Shout by Deleted

This is the best movie ever

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A prison melodrama doesn't exactly sound appealing, but what Darabont does brilliantly is balance the darker moments with wonderful cathartic moments of warmth, friendship and hope. Freeman's narration has a tremendous part to play in selling these moments too. Indeed, Shawshank feels like a film that is unashamedly full of catharsis - the beer drinking on the roof ; the music played across the prison ; the final scene - and these moments provoke such a strong emotional backbone to the film, that it is little wonder it is considered one of the best films of all time. Certainly, it is probably the finest example of a film about male bonding and friendship and whilst Robbins and Freeman's characters are the focus, all the supporting characters make an indelible impression too. But ultimately it is the central touching friendship of Red and Andy and the hope they embody that makes the film so appealing. Wonderful film!

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This movie is really good. At the begin it seems a little boring but the ending is stunning.

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a very beautiful and touching movie

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Shout by Deleted

Good film

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