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The Shepherd 2023

It's 40 minutes well spent. If you love aviation, the Air Force and WW2 themes, you'd love this short film.

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Quality film all round.
The story about the pilots trying to fly back from the war is something I never knew about.

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Probably the best Christmas movie ever.

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This bitesize, succinct little ghost story with a Christmas lilt makes for a sweet 40 minute short. Nothing to write home about, but nice little remembrance of lesser known pilots during the Second World War.

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[Disney+] A kind of tribute to the aviators of World War II that in its forty minutes fails to provide any type of emotion, and that is as effective as it is uninteresting. It achieves some moments of tension and makes John Travolta's appearance have a certain heroic tone, but it is even too long to be a short film, so lacking in character development that even the ending is too flat.

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Very weak story and a chore to watch with a predictable ending, it almost feels like it could been an advert to join the RAF.

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Sentimental, boring, and predictable, the short film 'The Shepherd' fails to deliver either an interesting story or good acting. The story of a pilot in 1957 whose instruments fail in fog over the North Sea should be thrilling in theory. Instead, this film is incredibly dull. It also has a rather ugly fake look and a boring score. Therefore, all in all, I definitely cannot recommend this short.

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