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The Snake Woman 1961

Wow, that movie poster is full of lies.
So, The Snake Woman is another entry in my most hated sub-genre of horror: pseudoscience.
What happens when you repeatedly inject a woman with snake venom? She dies. Don't be ridiculous! She births a child who can shape shift into a snake, duh!
I don't know what it was about this era of film making and crafting stories where science was magic. The movie is garbage. There is no terrorization of a town. The most we get is two bodies with normal snake bites on the hand, and people sitting around, talking about the plot. Riveting.

Post script: There are lots of animals in the movie: snakes, sheep, and a dog. As far as I could tell, none of them were hurt. Though, it was difficult to tell the difference between the real, and fake snakes. I did like the moment when Atheris stops a man from shooting a snake, saying the little snakey "has every right to live." Preach it, sister!
If anything, the movie seems to be against animal experimentation. That's a plus, at least.

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