Personal Lists featuring...

The Sure Thing 1985


Movies that feature adult themes excessive nudity and real sex scenes in Alphabetical Order


Well over a century has passed since the Lumière brothers frightened the life out of Parisians with The Arrival of a Train at a Station, and well over a million titles have since been recorded - if the Internet Movie Database is anything to go by.

Out of these million-plus movies, our team of experts has picked what we believe is the essential 1,000 - those that best sum up the dazzling achievement and variety of the movies.



Source: IMDB
Filter: Votes >= 10000
Order: Votes Descending
Date: 2014-08-23


As produções que fizeram a alegria de quem, assim como eu, foi adolescente nos anos 80 e 90. A famosa ''SESSÃO DA TARDE'' (que atualmente está ameaçada de ''extinção'') é exibida pela Rede Globo desde 05 de março de 1974 ou seja, a 40 anos. ''Sessão da Tarde é um programa de televisão brasileiro, uma sessão de filmes exibida pela Rede Globo de segunda a sexta-feira após o Vídeo Show. É exibido nas tardes da emissora desde o dia 5 de março de 1974 , sendo uma das sessões de filmes mais duradouras e conhecidas da televisão brasileira.''



Friends to lovers is a key plot element and the movie/show centres on the romance.
(So e.g. action or other genre movies with a small subplot on this subject are not included here)
Expanded to include Korean dramas of the same theme.


One man's journey to watch 3650 movies of the 80s


HollyWood Movies based on Popularity


Using IMDb advanced search, filtering only by English language.

Notable entries missing include:
Legend (1985)
The Meaning of Life (1983)
Children of the Corn (1984)
Hellraiser (1987)
Scanners (1981)
The Thing (1982)
They Live (1988)
Labyrinth (1986)
Bloodsport (1988)
Brazil (1985)


From the earliest days of American cinema, the road movie has been synonymous with American culture and the image America has presented both to itself and the world. But the road movie is not uniquely American, and other national cinemas have offered their own take, adapting it to reflect their own sensibilities and geographies. Whatever its nationality, the road movie has presented a means by which to challenge and confront convention, remaining an ever-changing, fascinating metaphor for life.

Beginning with an expansive essay tracing its historical development, "100 Road Movies" provides a comprehensive guide to the development of what is perhaps one of the most enduring, popular, and reflexive of sub-genres.


Romantic comedy (also known as the portmanteaus romedy or romcom) is a genre with light-hearted, humorous plotlines, centered on romantic ideals such as that true love is able to surmount most obstacles. A fairy-tale-style happy ending is a typical feature.


UPDATED: 2/13/24


I adore romance films. I've watched a lot, but only a few stood out to me. I could swear that when I was watching some of these films, someone near me had an onion or my eyes got so tired, they started sweating.


Collection of additional "must-see" Danny Perry's movies, presented in the back of his "Guide for the Film Fanatic"

546 movies missing. Imported from external source.


Collection of additional "must-see" Danny Perry's movies, presented in the back of his "Guide for the Film Fanatic"

546 movies missing. Imported from external source.
