Shouts about...

The Swarm 2021

This film is the living thing that brushes up against your leg under the sheets in your bed when you're asleep.

There were many original concepts in this film (the blend of horror and drama, the conflict, the body horror scenes and insect closeups...) but the narrative arc and the ending ate away at the good parts and left the film with some fairly obvious holes.

Still, there are enough elements of above average French horror to make the film worth a look.

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As much a family drama as it is a horror film, it is a sort of hybrid that will disappoint people expecting full on horror. And yes, I wanted more horror, and there is surely great potential here, but I still enjoyed the movie anyway. It is tense, well acted and overall great production values. It could be a great pilot to a carnivorous grasshoppers invasion series

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This film is probably a good warning to the locust farmers of the world.

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Shout by bleppei

She most definitely should’ve locked down and fortified the tents, not only because it was her only source of income, but also after learning they ATE BLOOD. Her letting her son keep them in his bedroom after knowing that too also bothered me. Otherwise a very unique script that’s never been done before to my knowledge

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Failed to get under my skin unfortunately. The family drama wasn’t particularly engaging and the horror aspects were too little too late. It isn’t an awful film - the actors are good and the scenario has merit - but it drags on for too long. Others might like it more than me, however.

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Shout by Flavio

The end is not incredible

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Good cast, good idea. But it just didnt take off; weak sauce..

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Wasted potential. There's nothing exciting about this film and I find it to be very underwhelming. Maybe I set my expectations too high. It feels too drawn out and lengthy. The drama part is interesting enough with some solid performances but the horror part not so much. You have to wait 15 minutes before credits to see the truly terrifying part. The ending is pretty suspenseful to be honest but I already lost interest. Could've been more enjoyable with quicker pacing or maybe as a short film.

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This movie had a very good potential thanks to its originality, but it failed miserably to do so, I think they wrote the idea and story but didn't go through with it in the end like they imagined it. I think to watch this movie and enjoy it you have to really set your expectations low.

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couldn't finish, because it was too boring.

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It's a musicless Little shop of horrors type of story, trying to be real , but it's extraordinarily boring,.

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First and foremost, this is a drama with very little horror. I found the film to be extremely boring from start to finish and didn't care for the characters.

Just when you think something might happen, it doesn't and I was glad when the end credits started to roll.

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Episode 10x10
I'm not sure what this French feature film is trying to be, a family drama? Costumbrista cinema? Fantastic horror? The fact is that it is jumping between implausible and boring plots that make you disconnect, it never gets anywhere. I expected more.

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Don't waste your time.

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