Shouts about...

The Terminal 2004

Great movie and amazing performance by Tom Hanks.

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I don't know how many times I've watched this film. One more time I caught it on tv and I couldn't resist.

Viktor Navorski is probably one of the sweetest characters in cinema and one of my favorite Tom Hanks performances.

It's so sweet and warm, I always feel great after watching it!

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Surprisingly good. Tom Hanks is a brilliant actor. The soundtrack is also worth mentioning.

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You'd think a movie about a guy stuck in an airport for months would be boring but Spielberg somehow managed to pull it off. He did a great job and made me cry, as usual.

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  • I understand having a little romance in the movie but surely someone as smart as Viktor would know to avoid Amelia like a plague, she’s a walking mess of issues and needs to switch history books for self-help books
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Tom Hanks is fantastic in this movie

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Shout by Deleted


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Very enjoyable, cute movie. Almost everyone can empathize with Viktor. I don't normally enjoy comedies too much, but this one wasn't the usual slapstick or toilet humor.

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Shout by Zephir
BlockedParent2022-07-28T19:32:32Z— updated 2022-07-29T22:16:21Z

Wholesame, fun family-movie. Sadly not without (Story-)flaws. Along with "Catch Me If You Can" (2002) one of Spielbergs more friendlier movies he wanted to shoot after the Events of 9/11 to lift the mood in the country and the world.

The Story is loosely based/inspired by the real-life-events of Mehran Karimi Nasseri (and his book "The Terminal Man" from the same year as the movie), an Iranian refugee who lived at the departure lounge of the Charles de Gaulle Airport for 18 years, from 1988 until 2006.

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Well directed and cool movie with a great perfomance from Tom Hanks once again.This guy's story is incredible for sure. 7.2/10

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Its an ok movie, nothing special. Spielberg does a good job on this smaller scale movie. Tom Hanks is good but I still can't get past how they casted him as an immigrant, he is like the whitest guy in hollywood.

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I found it nice. The director and the actors make things go well. Tom Hanks and Spielberg's union continues to function

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Chick flick about a man having stranded at the terminal of an airport. Well...

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What seems to be an interesting and intriguing plot turns out to be a silly low budget film. Yea it’s funny and decently enjoyable but the film drags on too long and some plot points are unnecessary and make the overall plot a bit confusing.

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Just not believable as such, only loosely based on a true story (in the real life the character has mental health issues, and is in great part responsible for being stuck)

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Tom Hanks dons a thick sorta-Russian accent on his way to a life of legal limbo, operating in perpetuity from his suitcase in an airport terminal. It's got the seed of an interesting story, and no shortage of talent to see it through, but fails to click in even the most remote sense.

It's baffling to me that it's Spielberg in the director's chair here, because The Terminal is so bland, run-of-the-mill and pandering that it feels like the work of a tentative first-timer who's terrified to let the material breathe. The entire cast is painted with the broadest of strokes, from Hanks's childish, confused stranger in a strange land to Stanley Tucci's ridiculously scheming US Customs official, and I quickly grew tired of their telegraphed games. Weak and pointless, with a needlessly stretched runtime, it's dull, flaky space filler at best.

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Watched this movie yesterday again after a decade. Totally different feeling. The first time I watched it was when I was some 6-7 years old, on a train journey, where my father was watching it and I asked him "Could I watch it?". Once he was done, he handed me his phone, and I watched it. Although, I don't exactly remember what I felt after the movie back then, but I was enjoying it, specially Tom Hanks' portrayal as a silly person; the broken English and childlike vibe resonated with little me. Yesterday, when I watched it again, it was a bit nostalgic for me, but not that much as it was more like watching the film for the first time, since I remembered almost nothing, except the scene where he arranges all those trolleys and gets some change out of it. Still, a very good movie, which feels heartwarming at times and you really feel for the main character as he sails from one moment to another. Overall, a great Feel-Good movie worth revisiting.

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so glad that i didn't fall asleep.

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A masterpiece of an acting!

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Shout by Deleted


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