Personal Lists featuring...

The Thin Red Line 1998


The North-Koreans might have their propaganda machine perfected so that (allegedly) every normal North-Korean sees their leaders as gods and they weep big (crocodile?) tears when one of them dies, the Americans found a new way to spread propaganda and the love for their country to the peoples masses: blockbuster movies.

This trend started in the 80ties, with as a highlight Tom Cruise who plays Pete "Maverick" Mitchell in Top Gun. Interesting fact: The United States Navy stated that after the release of the film that the number of young men who enlisted, wanting to be Naval aviators, went up by 500 percent.

When 9/11 happened and the war on terror began so did the number of blockbuster movies that added a thick layer of patriotism. Personally i could do without the dozens of waving stars and stripes flags and the inspirational but meaningless speeches of presidents at the end of the movies, but then again i am (thank god) not an American :)

This list is still a work in progress, if you know any movies that fit the description let me know.


"1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die" is a film reference book edited by Steven Jay Schneider with original essays on each film contributed by over 70 film critics. This list holds the 1001 movies that are referenced in the only Danish edition from 2007.

My goal is to watch all 1001 before I die :) I have currently watched 367... Still quite a long way.

The list is originated from the work of sp1ti and his list here:


Few talk about the ’90s as a filmmaking renaissance on par with the late ’60s and early ’70s, but for many of the film critics at The A.V. Club, it was the decade when we were coming of age as cinephiles and writers, and we remember it with considerable affection. Those ’70s warhorses like Martin Scorsese and Robert Altman posted some of the strongest work of their careers, and an exciting new generation of filmmakers—Quentin Tarantino, Joel and Ethan Coen, Wong Kar-Wai, Olivier Assayas, David Fincher, and Wes Anderson among them—were staking out territory of their own. Presented over three days—with two 20-film lists, then a separate one for the top 10—our Top 50 survey was conducted in an effort to reflect group consensus and individual passion, with the disclaimer that all such lists have a degree of arbitrariness that can’t be avoided. (On Thursday, we’ll run a supplemental list of orphans, also-rans, and personal favorites that will undoubtedly be quirkier.) One more note before digging in: Filmmakers who had a particularly good decade were often divided against themselves in the voting. Which Coen brothers movie is the strongest? Which color from Krzysztof Kieslowski’s Three Colors trilogy shone the brightest? Peel slowly and see…

Source:,86304/ /,86361/ /,86467/

Goodies:,86534/ (added them after rank 50),86583/,86560/
