Shouts about...

The Tournament 2009

Wow, Ian's role was just really well performed as psycho, loved this movie . . . :O

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Pretty awesome little action exploitation flick. Plot's not very original, but it's great fun.

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For what it is, it's extremely watchable. A selection of stars all thrown together in a B-movie.

Plotwise, think Battle Royale. Action, think Expendables. Nothing too complicated and some good turns by actors playing against type.

I'm a fan of the seemingly ageless Kelly Hu so this was far from a difficult watch.


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"Look at you, Joshua! You're a warrior, gladiator. Men like you don't die in your beds, they fall on the field. They give the crowd a glorious death."

Really liked the idea of the Tournament going in but felt a bit bummed out of how average it is. The "twist" isn't a twist at all and Scott Adkins died too soon.

Still it is somewhat enjoyable and it is always entertaining to see heads explode and the did a decent job on the gore. Way more bloody then I thought it would be.

However I do wish the priest played by Robert Carlyle would've just been slain.

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I Really liked it, I thought it would be poorly done straight to dvd type of movie but I’m so glad I watched it Ving Rhames is the man

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