Shouts about...

The Tree of Life 2011

This is a work of pure genius, easily the best movie in the past 10-20 years. It is not an irregular thing to be emotionally moved within the first five minutes. Fair warning though, this movie is not about a specific plot or conflict, rather it is about life in a very open and generalized sense.

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While I appreciate the cinematography, and the imagery can be impressive, and the score, the movie(?) seems to be abstract solely to be abstract. It never seems to have a point, or produce a real plot.

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I've just watched and I'm like: what a waste of time.

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20 MINUTES OF DINOSAURUS??? Seriously? C'mon...

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Overhyped piece of cinematic wankin'

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Great cinematography, great soundtrack, amazing acting. Sadly, the idea behind the movie is so simplified and dumbed down, that the movie feels overextended. It could have easily fit into 90 minutes without losing any of its spirit.

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i have manage to stay awake during this film for 25 mins!! i should get an award.

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A very unconventional film. This is something most people are not going to like or have the patience for. It has no action or snappy dialogue. There are long stretches of time when no one says a thing. Director Malick actually leads us from the 1950s back to creation and through evolution. In fact we bounce from Brad Pitt to dinosaurs and then back to Brad again. Most of the time is spent with Pitt and his family but I enjoyed the early scenes of outer space and cosmic creations more. It was very impressive and awe-inspiring. But it's important to note that I am a big "2001: A Space Odyssey" fan. The ending frustrated me and will likely frustrate almost everyone who views it. I don't think I'll ever watch this again but I give it high marks for how different it is.

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A lot of reviews and people are saying you either really love it or really hate it, meanwhile it left me neutral. It's creative and random and every aspect of it is well done, yet the movie is over before you can connect with it in any way shape or form. I'm not mad about the 2h19m spent watching it. But would I recommend it to any living soul? Definitely not.

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This film has been completely misunderstood by a large majority of people. This film is more of an experience than a film and in my opinion it was the best film of 2011. 9/10

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Life in a nutshell.

The Tree of Life is one of the most stunning movies I've ever seen. The cinematography is something that you can't take your eyes away from, it's just that stunning. Emmanuel Lubezki is the master of cinematography, I mean he's right up there with Roger Deakins, Vittorio Storaro, and Robert Richardson. Terrence Malick direction was pure brilliant, even when sometimes he dose get a little bit carried away with some of the imagery, but all that aside, this is a beautiful film that's not going to be for everyone.

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Seems surrealistic but has a explicit sense, the line of evolution and the circle of life.

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I get what the movie was trying to show/say - really it was so dumbed down and overly clear that it felt patronising - but that doesn't make up for the fact of how utterly boring it was. Cinematography was brilliant, but I suppose it's up to personal taste. I prefer films with some form of plot/action.

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You will either absolutely love or strongly hate this movie.
For me, it was love. This movie, in my eyes, is like a beautiful song or a poem, and watching it just made me experience something I rarely do when watching movies. It's unconventional and thought provoking. One of a kind.

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46% Loved? C'mon people, this is one of the best films of the year!

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"The Tree of Life" is a deeply philosophical and visually stunning film. At its core, the movie explores the meaning of life, existence, and our place in the universe. It doesn't go on a traditional narrative structure; instead, it presents a series of impressionistic vignettes that follow a family, mixed with breathtaking imagery depicting the birth of the universe and the evolution of life on Earth.

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Narratively it is interesting although it seemed wrong to me at first. Visually it is very good, I also thought the direction was very good but I didn't like the musical selection. And in my opinion it doesn't have a solid plot, although the script does too...

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Looking forward to watching this - gets composite 85 from Metacritic which is rare.

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Brad Pitt's involvement has made some people watch this film when they are clearly not the target audience. The same thing happened with Ad Astra.

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Worst movie I have seen in cinema. I should have reclaimed the money of the ticked.

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Just sat speechless in tears. Beautiful!

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beautiful movie, one of the best I've seen.

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The Tree of Life is the truth of life we are living in now.

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What can I say... This movie is included among the "1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die", edited by Steven Schneider.

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Shout by Deleted

The Tree of Life by Terrence Malick. Everything's amazingly shot, and not only is an accurate and honest portrayal of the family unit in the 1950s, but it's an accurate portrayal of life as a young boy, and losing your innocence.

See it.

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