When you start a movie with the likes of Jim Broadbent and Penelope Wilton, you are almost assured of having a movie that is at least decent. While the duo are as good as they always are, the story is rather mundane. Sure, we are treated to a variety of characters along the way, but other than that, the viewer isn't offered too much.

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Unlikely but true story that showcases another fine Broadbent performance.

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That last 30 minutes or so I did nothing but cry. A very emotional film and one I will be remembering for a long time. Jim Broadbent was fantastic.

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Sort of like taking the running bit from Forrest Gump (interesting interactions with random people, a misunderstanding group of followers, lots of wondering and a hint of subtle magic) and extend it over 90 minutes and pace it for old people, and you have Harolds' Pilgramge

I don't really know if it was worth it. I'll never watch it again, but if this sort of thing appeals, you should watch it at least once.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. A great story about human kindness, and the impact of that kindest on others. It's a lovely story about a glimmer of light in us all. :purple_heart:

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I liked this film, contrary to some press reviews which were not very favorable. It targets some non-trivial reflections in the audience, about themes such as the contrast between individualism and solidarity, which in England is quite pronounced.

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A dull and pointless film. Great shots, great cast, but still, this is a film with nothing interesting to say.

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