not logical at all. its like a movie made to mock vampires

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The Vampire Next Door is a quirky B-movie that pleasantly surprised me. Going into it with modest expectations, I found myself enjoying a light-hearted yet entertaining experience. While it may seem like a premise stretched thin, the film manages to captivate audiences with its charming characters and humorous plot.

At its core, The Vampire Next Door feels like a short story expanded into a feature-length film. While this occasionally results in pacing issues and moments where the storyline feels a bit stretched, the engaging chemistry between the two main characters keeps the audience invested throughout.

The film revolves around the unlikely friendship between a human protagonist and their vampire neighbor. Despite the supernatural elements, the narrative primarily focuses on the humour and camaraderie between the two leads. Their interactions are filled with witty banter and comedic situations that had me laughing out loud several times.

While the film may not offer ground breaking storytelling or stunning visuals, it succeeds in delivering an enjoyable and light-hearted viewing experience. Fans of B-movies and supernatural comedies will likely find The Vampire Next Door to be a fun and amusing ride.

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This movie was actually much better than I expected! Very entertaining, will watch it again sometime

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Not as bad as it should be. Reminded me vaugely of Teen Wolf from the eighties. Cheesy drive-in B movie that I enjoyed because I didn't expect much.

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The acting was a little wooden, and the script could have used some polishing, but somehow the fun the crew had making that B movie seeps though to the screen.

Not exactly something you'll tell your grand kids about someday, but still a fun little flick to watch. my rating 6 and half :)

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