The title may suggest Mick "Crocodile" Dundee, but don't for a moment think that Paul "Hoges" Hogan is reprising this role. It's a return to Paul as the 'Ocker' Australian everyman, albeit not as youthful as prime Hoges. The various cameos are fun & paced well throughout the film, not intruding detrimentally into the overall story. A light hearted film that IS NOT going to fulfill a Crocodile Dundee craving (that's what rewatches are for!) but is good for Hogan fans.

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Shout by The Ace Face
BlockedParent2022-02-12T17:34:05Z— updated 2024-09-22T07:19:09Z

A fun film that I truly enjoyed. Hilarious moments with John Cleese and Chevy Chase, but Paul Hogan steals the show with his unfortunate impromptu moments before the cameras and unwanted press. 9/10.

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A funny light hearted movie. Good cameos. Predictable of course. But overall a good way to pass the time. Sort of reality tv.

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Do you know what a vanity project is? Search no further. Of no value.

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I have been a fan of Paul Hogan ever since The Paul Hogan Show aired on British TV when I was a kid. Admittedly, his movies haven't been all that great since the first Crocodile Dundee, and this film won't win him any awards either, but it is enjoyable throughout.

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