Shouts about...

The Voices 2014

I LOVED this movie! I was lukewarm through the first half, but by the end I was completely sold. I can't recall another movie I've seen like it. It walked the line, rather brilliantly, between being extremely dark, and almost lighthearted and whimsical. It toys with you. One moment you're laughing at some punchline, the next you're repulsed. A few minutes later you may be laughing at a gag relating to the very thing you were repulsed by minutes ago! This movie is a trip and understandably polarizing. I can certainly see why it's not for everyone, but it totally worked for me. It's a unique film that I would absolutely recommend to anyone that is looking for something fresh.

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That was a real good one

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How is this a COMEDY? This movie is as strange as it is depressing.

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Everyone is mentioning the comedy either working or not, I really didn't view this as a comedy nor really laugh. I thought this was a good movie, would I watch it again? Proabably not because of how disturbing it is, this movie is very weird, creepy, and disturbing but I think it was well made overall.

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You couldn't pay me to finish this movie. It is not dark comedy. The worst part is that it is a disgusting and dangerous portrayal of schizophrenia.

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Not a dark comedy. Just dark. Some great performances from the cast but the script is just awful. An insulting portrayal of mental illness and violence against women.

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:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: - This film was interesting,

My rating system works:
10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:rage:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: - Bull Shit

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Nice ending... Very nice ending

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First thing first. This is not a comedy. Definitely has humour but won't give you a slightest chuckle. This is dark, a really dark place where you indulge in murder. Ryan delivered the role so well.
The best part of the movie is you will know why Dog is man's best friend and why Cat is just friend.
Definitely a good watch if you want to watch something dark.

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My first film in Horror 2023 watching is The Voices. I didn't know much about the film, other than that it starred Ryan Reynolds. The Voices follows Jerry (played by Reynolds). Jerry works in packing in a small town. He appears to be a nice guy, who does well at the tasks he's given. But Jerry holds a secret. He's a mentally unstable man, who at home has conversations with his dog and cat.

To call The Voices a horror would be an extreme stretch. And that's one of the big underlying issues with this film, it doesn't know what it wants to be. The horror elements are completed muted, it's not quite funny enough to be a comedy, nor does it tick the black comedy boxes. The Voices is just an uncertain film in general. Aside from the performances from Reynolds and Gemma Arterton (who is having a blast as an over the top British character), the film doesn't contain much substance.

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Hilariously twisted, The Voices is an insanely funny dark comedy. The story follows a factory worker named Jerry who’s a delusional schizophrenic that hears voices, and after accidentally killing a co-worker he starts to question his sanity (with the help of his dog and his cat). Starring Ryan Reynolds, Gemma Arterton, and Anna Kendrick, the casting is pretty good; Reynolds in particular gives an amazing performance. And, the script does an excellent job at showing Jerry’s inner struggle with his different personalities. The comedy is also remarkably well-done, and brings some levity to the murder and mayhem of the film. However, at times things get a little too silly and the tone becomes uneven. Still, while The Voices may have its issues, overall it’s incredibly entertaining and a lot of fun.

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Skip this one, not worth the stupidly bad ending.

The one amusing thing about this film, besides Mr. Whiskers, is that Ryan Reynolds does all “the voices”. It could’ve been something really entertaining, if there wasn’t so much time spent on unnecessary truly stupidly unfunny moments. Especially the very racist singing Chinese Elvis, so stupid and unfunny.

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A great film in terms of making people be aware of mental illness

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It's a neat idea and dark but not dark enough. Reynolds is decent

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Shout by Michelle APR

This film is sort of dark and crude, great story but flat in some areas and the ending falls short. It wood have been nice to see a different outcomes for [ Jerry] the many chirector .

Jerry has schizophrenic and he has chooses not to take his medication and enjoys delusions.And is hallucinations and is manifest in the form of his pets talking to him. He later find himself killing a person who he was in love with .To find himself self trapped in a conflict between continuing killing or stopping. Which ends with trading to stopping him self form hurting himself or others. But he kills again and again. which is 3 kills in this movie. will dous his mother count? LoL

Mabe Jerry's first victim was of his mother. And since he can hallucinate about what people say or how a place looks like. Maybe in his hallucinate he killed his mother and covered it on his mind as she wanted to end her own life.?

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Shout by Deleted

Finally a comedy which is indeed funny at every part where it has to be funny. Not filled with unnatural, forced jokes like the most comedies nowadays. I was afraid of the song at the end of the movie but that was funny too (not like in these day's movies, again). :-D It's not the best of bests but just looking around the past few years' comedies, this one's own a really good place somewhere at the front (top?).
The dog-cat pair's simply great! :-)

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Wow, this is the definition of dark comedy.

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Shout by Matts

I started to regret watching this movie half way through, but I have to finish a movie I start. At no time did I laugh during this movie because there are no actual hilarity in this movie. Obviously they tried to make the pet's wise cracks suffice for the comedy but they missed their mark by a mile. But, I enjoy Ryan Reynolds work so I just watched this for what it is.

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I've seen some people not expecting how gruesome some scenes are,making me wonder how this was marketed. It's got a fair share of horror allright ,but that takes a step back after the first kill. It still remains a dark setting with comedy from the talking animals, both on either side of Jerry's moral compass. Unfortunately I think the film loses it's edge after a while and could be trimmed a bit shorter..
If you want dark comedy, you might want to check it out...

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Pretty good and entertaining. The comedy really gets me. Liked it!

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Darkly funny and weird... Loved it!

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although a big fan of Reynolds this weird movie was not for me. i didn't find any dark humor , it was completely messed up

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Weird, very weird... This guy was really fucked up, I liked very much the discussions between the dog and the cat.

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Super weird movie but I kinda liked it.

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This movie is such a fantastic combination of being completely fucked up and completely hilarious at the same time.

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This movie is so hard to describe, so I'll just say that if you're a Dexter fan, there's a big chance you might love this movie. I found it surprisingly well done in pretty much every way imaginable; the cinematography, acting, writing, just, pretty insane. It's not for everyone, that's for sure, but personally I am grateful they made this, and that it went the way it did storyline-wise. This might just be my favorite movie.

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Ryan Reynolds did all the voices for the animals, too.

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