Shouts about...

The Woman King 2022

Nice movie…it really show how noble the African culture is at all levels…

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This only criticism I have is Thuso Mbedu is too cute to try and make an angry face. I was not buying it. The movie is still a 10 though.

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Had some issues with some scenes, but all in all a good movie. I hope more movies like this are made. Definitely a MUST WATCH!

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Wow...amazing. Kudos to all the actors and actresses. They all did an excellent performance

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All I can say is that the whole cast should be coming for the Oscars. That was an incredible movie I will be watching that movie a few more times! I mean everything was spectacular about that movie the acting, the scenes. It was a perfect movie...

I'm not going to put any spoilers on here but it's a must see! I mean Viola Davis really did an amazing job And just the whole cast! I was in love with every character on that screen everyone did their job they left no food on the plate everyone ate. Even the extras ate lol... I know it sounds but the animals ate lol they left no crumbs for us!

I mean The movie had everything. Action, an amazing story line, love, coming of age, and it was funny at times. You laugh, and you may even cry.

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Finally, a movie that could hold my interest. They are so rare. Amazing story.

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just Wow !! dont misss it baby !!

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Everything Viola Davis touches turns into gold and she was great as expected. But to see Thuso Mbedu deliver an almost even spectacular performance blew my mind. This movie has so much power and so much heart. Loved it.

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Great watch. I don’t usually like slave movies but this was much better than i expected. Viola Davis is an amazing actress

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What an awesome semi-true story about a group of woman warriors in Africa who lead a kingdom to take down a looming enemy. Of course the main premise of this film was entertaining to watch but the way they hooked you was great and the hook continued to be a great side story that appealed to your emotions while the main premise posed great action. It moved at a great pace and the character’s involvement with the audience was great, I loved all the characters.

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Not sure how this has a 10% rating when it’s not even released yet?. Really looking forward to seeing it!

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Viola Davis has established herself as one of the best current actresses; With a strong personality, each role she plays highlights it masterfully. Without a doubt, this role of an African woman leading an unusual group of female warriors benefits from her character. Based on real events, it is difficult to say that the story is predictable, since it is not a failed invention but a series of events that happened, although perhaps not in the same way. The film is distinguished by its great casting that in each role selected the right performer. It's worth it just to see Viola Davis in action, but it's more enjoyable when it can also be said to be worth it for the entire cast. As for the narrative, it is interesting, entertaining, but it does fall into some common places. However, as I already said: it's worth it.

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Shout by shmosby
BlockedParent2022-10-26T01:46:10Z— updated 2022-10-27T10:37:00Z

Viola Davis is great as always. The real star however is Thuso Mbedo, who is incredible as Nawi.

This movie has rightfully been called a "Black female Braveheart". Just like Braveheart, it's a great movie! And just like Braveheart, it's more historical fiction than fact.

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If only they could cast people who spoke the languages... Even the Portuguese was half assed

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This film is a really well made film. Despite not typically being a fan of these types of historical action films, it worked and kept me engaged the whole time. I can imagine that the people that enjoy these films will really love this one!

Rating: 3.5/5 - 80% - Would Recommend

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Really enjoyed this. I do think sometimes some people just bitch about a movie for the sake of bitching. Too woke, not inclusive enough, not historically accurate, wrong accents, wrong colour cat etc etc etc. I look for movies to be entertaining, little else, if I want history I'll read a book! On the entertainment front for me, the movie delivers. Good story, great cast, good acting (mostly), great camera work overall a pretty engrossing watch, it's also a welcome and refreshing chage from the relentless flow of MCU, super hero and other movie series that should have ended after the first sequel (looking at you Fast & Furious!). Could I sit and pick faults with it, yes, just as you could with just ebout every other movie made but this was a really good watch with very little 'down time.' Glad I watched it as I was a bit dubious at first given some of the stuff that Netflix has put out in the past but, in some cases at least, things seem to be improving.

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Very solid fights. Enjoyable movie.

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Well done, engaging, powerful and heart felt. Like a breath of fresh air!

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I initially had no expectations and after the first minutes I was somewhat concerned about historical accuracy. But hell, it turned out to be a great and unique enough experience.

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A decent epic with a handful of powerful scenes.

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Some good performances and set pieces, but don't go into this looking for historical accuracy. Once you've finished the movie it's important to read up on the truths of the time vs. this well produced fiction (w slivers of truth here and there). 6.6.

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Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2022-10-14T14:12:12Z— updated 2023-11-04T18:08:01Z

I’ve seen comparisons to Braveheart, I think those are pretty on point. It does some things exceptionally well (acting, action, visuals, costume design, the music bangs), but it’s also too commercial for its own good. Some of the key elements of this film are schmaltzy, melodramatic and predictable, and it brings a lot of the film down. There are also some minor exposition dumps that aren’t very elegantly handled, and it’s a bit too long. Still, let there be no mistake about it: this is one of the better mainstream films to come out this year, if only by the virtue of not messing up at any major point (it’s never goes fully dumb or stupid, nor does it ever turn into CGI schlock). So it’s unfortunate to see this film being another victim of an engineered hate campaign, here’s hoping most of its potential audience are smart enough to see through that.


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Found it a bit boring,but that's what I expected from the woke brigade in Hollywood.

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Like me describing a date I went on: so romanticized it's a little sickening and doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

Another film that would've made a better documentary, the added melodrama to an already dramatic movie stacked the BS so high it was over the top.

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The Woman King suffers from its attempt to be a blockbuster. The African kingdom of Dahomey is fascinating but the story needs less Hollywood. A realistic, unfiltered depiction could've made a strong best picture contender.

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Disappointed in the simplistic Dahomey Good, Yoruba Bad, with the historical human-sacrificing Dahomeyans being, pardon the expression, whitewashed.

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Clearly this is a film that raises the banner of one of the post modern world's controversial issues: Feminism. Not really a huge fan of that part, yet without a doubt, the plot, script, historical narrative, and action scenes were all very nicely done and well thought of. The largely female cast did a brilliant show, it is also noteworthy that the film was made in a more traditional technique, having lesser usage of CGI which really brought forth the beauty and strength of the cast's raw acting talents.

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It was entertaining and good for the struggles, the historical realism, for documentaries. Viola David from lawyer to elite warrior.

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This is what happens when the Americans attempt to make a film based on an Indian movie script. Film a bit fake in its setting, not historical accurate, and with a representation of the people represented (African, European and South American) a bit too modern and clean (likely to satisfy American tastes and not reality). This is even fine, but while the Indians often add complexity to the plot with a lot of twists to keep the attention and enhance the surprise, here instead the first half is plain, with some recover in the second half, but without many emotions triggered.

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As disingenuous in its historical revisionism as the actors' African accents, it's a commercial movie that sells empowerment when it's actually offering submission, with unnecessary subplots and a sweeten portrayal of the ferocity of the Dahomey Amazons. It gives the impression that it hides the lack of a clear position on slavery with superficial samples of African folklore.

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Cast not diverse at all. we need a more inclusive cast. its 2022 for god’s sake.

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I think the title could have been shortened to "Queen"? Copyright perhaps.

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I knew this was going to be an awesome military movie when I saw Viola Davis in the trailer. I was not disappointed. ⚔

PS: Lashana Lynch is hot AF!

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