Shouts about...

The Words 2012

Not very good but entertaining. The performances are good. And now the "worm" came to me to resume my writing, which I had abandoned for many months...

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"You choose the words, you choose the pain."

Zoe Saldana and Bradley Cooper kill it as usual, I just not sure if I enjoyed the obvious plot twist.

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Worths a watch for great perfomances and good atmosphere..It could have been better though 7.3/10

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Good Movie with a great cast and a fantastic Jeremy Irons


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A writer at the peak of his literary success discovers the price he must pay for stealing another man’s work. Find out what happens, or not since the film is a total mind ****! It was an interesting movie, but it could have been done better. I found it kinda boring. I don’t think Bradley Cooper was the best choice for the lead for this. I wanted to watch it for Jeremy Irons, since I already am missing The Borgias!

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Great movie! There is so much more in it that it seems

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A great movie...Hope to win something in the Oscar night...

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