Shouts about...

The Wrestler 2008

This didn’t quite grab or blow me away.
There’s this period in Aronofsky’s career where he didn’t seem to try as hard as a director; both this and Black Swan are lacking in style and feel like they could’ve been directed by just about anyone.
Mickey Rourke’s good, but it isn’t a mindblowing performance or anything. I feel like it’s being overinflated for the reason that people didn’t expect he was capable of delivering a performance on this level.
Even the music’s very understated and bland, which is odd because most of his movies have a great score.
What saves the movie are its well executed drama and solid climax, I like how it pulls back the curtain on wrestling without pulling any punches (no pun intended), even if some it moves in directions you can clearly see coming.
I just don’t see how it’s considered to be one of his best, to me it’s easily Aronofsky at his most uninspired and by the numbers.


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This might easily be Mickey Rourke’s best movie. A heartbreaking drama of a professional wrestler falling apart. I remember watching this when I was much younger and it wasn’t necessarily my favorite. At a much older age, this resonates with me much more. I will surely watch this one again!

Rating: 4/5 - 8.5/10 - Would Recommend

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One interesting exchange in this movie was about how 80s hard rock was so much more fun than 90s grunge. This is 90s grunge. It's heavy and not fun. Good character study and great acting, but just not fun.

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The heartbreakingly sad tale of a former professional wrestler eking out a living in the amateur scene. Mickey Rourke is exceptional as the lead. You don't need to like wrestling to enjoy it.

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Darren Aronofsky's glimpse into the grim reality of retirement in pro wrestling is a tough, fair rumination on a physically unforgiving industry. Not as suicidally dark as Requiem for a Dream, but it doesn't need to be - where Requiem was about a self-destructive quest for the taste of an elusive high, The Wrestler is more interested in the shattered figure trying to cope with the repercussions of that lifestyle.

Mickey Rourke nails the role of Randy "The Ram" Robinson, as advertised; the conflicting emotions of hope, guilt, desperation and cheap indulgence that flash across his face speak volumes when the character has very little to say for himself. Marissa Tomei is nicely cast as his counterpart, a stripper running into identical problems; aging in an industry that relies almost exclusively on one's superficial gifts. I didn't care for the ambiguous ending and found the in-ring scenes to be jumpy and weak, but loved the rich characterization, deep respect for the subject and long, unspoken history that precedes the events of the film.

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"The only place I get hurt is out there. The world don't give a shit about me."

Mickey Rourke is so great in this. It feels so gritty and dirty and real. That last fight really is amazing.

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Shout by Deleted

Life of a middle-aged wrestler who are losing everything isn't promising but it is his only way.

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Deep movie.If you dont feel it and not go into it you probably going to be bored.Otherwise you are going to love it!

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The Wrestler is a constantly engaging and compelling character study with some of the finest acting, writing, directing I have seen in recent years. Oh and I forgot, the last shot will leave you speechless.

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The Wrestler helped me realise wrestling is disgusting and wrestling fans should really find a better hobby. That anything-goes fight made me so uncomfortable, how on earth could anybody ever want to watch or take part in that? Go dance ballet or something, at least when you go crazy doing that, you'll look cool doing so. Other than the grotesque nature of those parts of the movie, the rest of it was actually really good. The story itelf was great and Mickey Rourke was outstanding. If I was a more reasonable person, I might even say it was a great movie because the wrestling parts did exactly what they were supposed to do, but good thing I'm not then because wrestling sucks. "The only place I get hurt is out there." ;_;

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