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This Is 40 2012

Quite ok, they spoiled Lost for me tho

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Some pretty good laughs. Could have been about a half hour shorter. Great cast.

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The moustache line had my laughing so hard. It was so quick and unexpected.

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I think this is a great movie for the 30+ crowd with kids. I absolutely love this movie, but it hits home and makes it relatable in many many ways.

If you don't have kids or even if you are younger, most of this movie will probably be lost on you.

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"Are you kidding you can't watch over a 100 episodes of a show in 5 weeks, it will melt your brain."
"It's not melting my brain - it's blowing my mind!"
"My relationship with LOST ist not your business - it's extremly personal." LOL :D

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It is too long, but it is entertaining. The thing with LOST finale made me laugh a lot.

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Okay, but Not nearly as funny as the prequel, Knocked Up. Not worth watching again.

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Well written and enjoyable! Apatow does it again

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I remember not being too fond of this movie when it originally came out. It was fine. Not overly funny. Plot really didn't have a point. Well, age has done this film wonders. Everything is far too relatable, and this movie had me cracking up from start to finish. Everything Paul Rudd did or said, I feel I have done something eerily similar!

Rating: 4/5 - 8.5/10 - Would Recommend

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"I don't want a turbo penis. I like your medium soft one."

I have years left until I am 40 but I need to change whatever it takes to not end up like this! While I feel for both of them, I definitely wanted to give Paul Rudd a hug many times. Oh, and the kids are perfect in this.

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Hmm, I need some of this eastern medicine. Poor small business people.

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Bloopers, hilarious! Movie, not so much.

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A comedy with no humor and no joy.

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I enjoy Judd Apatow movies. This one is no exception. I see he turned this one into a family business. :grin:

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Melissa McCarthy tried so hard to ruin this movie and she almost got it.

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So bloated, if still almost good. I having nothing major against it tbh.

The cast are probably what stop me from disliking 'This Is 40'. Paul Rudd (Pete) and Leslie Mann (Debbie) are likeable and more than competent in the lead roles, while John Lithgow (Oliver) and Albert Brooks (Larry) are strong additions to this 'Knocked Up' spin-off.

The story features interesting stuff and has, just about, respectable intentions, but man is it overly long. They could've made the exact same point but with 30-40 minutes worth of fat cut out. I didn't care enough about the characters to see them for as long as I did, in short.

As alluded to, the onscreen talent do keep it bubbling along at a minimal level and, also, the music is very good. It just didn't need to be so dragged out, in my opinion.

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I did enjoy it more than I thought I would, had some good laughs and Maude Apatow is a great actress. However, the movie is way too long, and it feels long. You have to pause it and take breaks just to breathe or else you'll go insane. I kept wondering when it was going to end, and I wasn't necessarily having a bad time.

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Shout by Deleted

If you watched the bloopers first, you gonna be real disappointed.

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Re-watch on cable. "Maybe you shouldn't be so comfortable with yourself, you look like a miniature Tom Petty!"

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This movie annoyed me when I wasn't laughing fit to burst or chuckling at the bits I recognized. Oh, comedy. So uncomfortable when you're applicable.

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Shout by Deleted

Parts were funny, the end saved it a LITTLE bit, but disappointing overall.

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That was unbearable, couldn't watch to the end.

loading replies a music obsessive approaching 40 with two girls at home i can really relate to this film. I have the same conversations in my car with the wife about music and the scene in the bedroom with the ipods could have come from my house..Does Judd spy on me :)

Also as a massive Prince fan the line about "Prince now thats a man who can really f**k" was hilarious.

i agree with others on hear though that were pissed off about the Lost spoilers.....i would have done my nut if i hadnt watched the ending...there needs to be a warning on the cover.

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I'd probably watch this again, I really quite enjoyed it - as much as I don't want to admit it ;-)

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Apart from being a bad movie, it gave away keypoints of Lost, a show I didn't watch yet. Such a shame...

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This movie was really MEH!! Expected way more..

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Shout by ketu

Was the whole movie sponsored by Apple? IPhones, iPods, iPads and Macs EVERYWHERE!
Soooo crazy!

I started watching that movie but I had to abort it after 1 hour because I got so bored .-(
Maybe I am too young to watch it. Hm.

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Shout by Deleted

family movie .

but still it a good one

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Expected a good comedy and got an badly acted, very slow drama. If you liked Knocked Up, don't expect to like this one.

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Loved it!

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Not the best but entertaining enough

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Not as funny as I had expected it to be, but overall it was a good movie.

Wouldn't watch it a second time, though. Maybe only for the Megan Fox scenes. :)

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Good start, but about half way it went down and the ending isn't satisfying.

Some very good one-liners and humor though.

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Shout by Deleted

This had a lot of potential as a film. Poor ending, just left hanging.

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A little long but a very funny movie. I didn't think I would enjoy it this much.

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massively superior to the previous knocked up, nice switch off chick flick

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It's a good movie, made me LOL several times, also made me google "Tom Petty" :D

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A bunch of good one liners, but not a see-again. A decent 'rent & watch with friends'

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